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How to tell what update of Management Reporter you are using

If you've ever talked with the support team or the product team, you've probably gotten asked what release of Management Reporter you are using. Here's a quick way to know that update you have on your system.

Go to Help | About in Report Designer:

In the screen shot above, you'll see the version number is 2.1.8000.1. The number 8 in the version number means I'm using Management Reporter 2012 CU8 (Cumulative Update 8). This numbering scheme was added in CU6, so if you see a number like 2.1.1037, that means you are on an update older than CU6.

You can also find the version information in the web viewer by going to Settings | About.

Now that you know what release you are using, you can check out this post to see what features were added in it and other releases.