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Documentation for Management Reporter

Are you looking for more information on Management Reporter?

We are continually looking to provide help to get users familiar with Management Reporter. For those that have prior FRx experience we find that many users are able to pick up and begin working with little to no training. This blog post will focus on getting started for new users. In the future we will provide a post on things that are different and enhanced from FRx that users should be aware of, and take into consideration to continue building their skills with.

For those without prior experience we have created the following resources to help get started in Management Reporter:

1. The Corporate Performance Management Blog has many how-to guides and resources to help you better understand Management Reporter. There are regular updates, so be sure to sign up for the RSS feed for regular updates or bookmark the site.

2. E-Learnings and Training Guides. We have sample exercises available to learn how to develop specific financial reports and use the different Management Reporter functions along the way. Both of these have the same content, but differ in format. The E-Learnings you can watch as a video and the Training Guides are a set of exercises for you to work through at your own pace. The training is geared to a specific set of demo data that is available for order by Microsoft Certified Trainers; otherwise we encourage users to follow along using their own data or sample data as an informal guide.

E-Learnings are available here to all customers. The Training Guides can be provided from your Microsoft Partner. Ask for Course Number 80255 - Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics ERP.

3. Management Reporter documentation for Installation, Migration, and Configuration on the Microsoft Download Center. This site contains guides for Installation, Migration, and configuration of the Data Provider for your Dynamics ERP. Any README or other supplemental documents will also be posted here. We will continue to update these documents with each release.

4. Demo Reports. We have created a set of demo reports for each of the Microsoft Dynamics ERPs we integrate with (AX2009, AX2012, GP2010+, SL2011) using that company's demonstration or sample data.

These reports are linked to from the download page here.

5. How-To documents on CustomerSource and the KnowledgeBase.

6. The Help file in Management Reporter is a commonly overlooked area for documentation. The Help contains procedural information, a list of features available, and other details to help you get more out of the Management Reporter. The Help file was designed to be the user guide for end-users and will be an area we will be continuing to add detail through future releases. For the Management Reporter 2012 release there will be updates to the Management Reporter Help to provide more thorough information on many topics.

7. There is a training snack for what's new in the current release of Management Reporter.

8. Dynamics Communities is a popular place to ask questions about Management Reporter. Feel free to drop by and ask or answer a question in your ERP specific forum.

9. Several partners have Management Reporter themed blogs. Be sure to be on the lookout for tips from partners providing their best practices.

Documentation for Management Reporter is available to help you get more out of Management Reporter and help through any challenges along the way. If you have any feedback on items you would like more detail in the documentation please reach out to us here and we will see what we can do.

Thank you
