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Installing the Dynamics 365 for Financials Outlook add-in on Exchange 2013

If you attempt to deploy the Dynamics 365 for Financials Outlook add-in using the 'Set up Outlook for Financials' assisted setup option and your organization is running Exchange 2013 it will fail.  You can also attempt to manually install the add-in manifest files by downloading them from the 'Office Add-In Management' page in Financials.  After you've downloaded the files and then installed them by going to Outlook > File > Manage Add-ins - You may see the following error:

"This app can't be installed. The manifest file for this app is too large. It must be smaller than 32 KB."

The issue here is that the Contact Insights manifest file is too large for Exchange 2013.  You can download the modified (smaller) version of this file for use with Exchange 2013 here:

You must edit the file before installing it into your environment.

  1. In Notepad or another similar text editor application, open the manifest template file applicable to your install (Dynamics NAV or Dynamics 365 for Financials).
  2. In the template, replace all instances of "**URL**" with the URL of your web client (e.g. https://cronusus.financials.dynamics.com/MS/WebClient), and save the file.
  3. In Office 365, open the "Manage add-ins" page.
  4. Click the plus sign icon above the list of installed add-ins, and select "Add from a file" from the drop-down list.
  5. In the "Add add-in from a file" dialog, click Browse, and navigate to the updated manifest file from step 2.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Install.
  8. Click OK.

If you have any problems or questions with these steps, swing over to the community forums for assistance.