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The Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 e-book has arrived

For those who attended the Microsoft Dynamics AX Technical Conference 2012 and registered for the complimentary e-book watch your e-mail.

I just received a mail from O’Reilly mentioning that they had created an oreilly.com account for me to receive ebooks. Usually I delete those messages straight away as I suspect these to be spam. However O’Reilly did trigger a bell as a renowned technical book publisher. Thus I clicked the link for the “forgot_password” in the mail. Entered a new password and after receiving the new link where you need to reset your password entered the site.

There I checked for which e-books I am registered. Turned out it is the complementary Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012… Yeah!


Downloaded and ready to spent the rest of the weekend reading!

Happy reading