My Talk at TechEd Europe 2010: A Taste of F# - Today and Future
Recently I gave a talk at TechEd Europe, in Berlin, entitled A Taste of F# - Today and Future, available below as slides + audio. If you don't get the player below, then here's the site with the raw WMV files.
I was happy with how this talk went. I hope it is a good resource for the F# community. Please feel free to use the slides in your own F# talks. Contents are:
0:00 - intro
11:00 - intro coding demo (Twitter Streams)
25:00: F# case studies
32:00 - A taste of some language basics
36:34 - F# async and parallel programming
40:00 - F# on the phone
44:23 - The Future of F# - Taming the Data Deluge
November 29, 2010
Didn't know if you realized yet, but when you download the PowerPoint slides at they are Pete Brown's talk on "10 Things Every New Silverlight and WPF Developer Must Know"Anonymous
November 29, 2010
Don, The link to the slides appears to be pointing to the Silverlight presentation.Anonymous
November 29, 2010
The slides file (dev304.pptx) on TechEd site is wrong now. It is 10 Things Every New Silverlight and WPF Developer Must Know.Anonymous
November 29, 2010
Wrong slides (DEV30410 Things Every New Silverlight and WPF Developer Must Know).Anonymous
November 30, 2010
Hi Don, I'm afraid the link to the PowerPoint slides deck does not refer to your presentation, but to another one.