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F# for Scientists announced by Jon Harrop

I'm very excited to see that Jon Harrop has announced his intention to produce F# for Scientists. Jon is a PhD in Computational Chemistry from the University of Cambridge, and also the author of the absolutely must-have book Ocaml for Scientists.  One review of this fantastic book said:

What do you take with you when police are banging on your door at 4am and telling you to exit the building? Why, of course passports, bank cards, cell phone, my wife’s 15” PowerBook G4, my 17” MacBook Pro, a pair of Nintendo DS Lites plus cartridges. Also The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell , All Marketers are Liars by Seth Godin and, here’s the kicker, Objective CAML for Scientists by Jon Harrop of the Flying Frog Consultancy .

Jon has also started a web page devoted to his F# work, including sample code and a very nice tutorial video on how to use F# Interactive from inside Visual Studio.


  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2007
    Already an owner of the ocaml version, I was told by Jon that this version has a lot of extra content and so wait in earnest to order

  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2007
    I am really looking forward to this, after learning that there is going to be even more info on top of the sterling work set out in Ocaml for scientists.