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Writing Binding Element Essentials

We're back to the channel development series for another pair of days. When I left off, I promised to talk a bit about writing binding elements and channel managers. Today's article is about writing binding elements and tomorrow's article is about writing channel managers. These articles expand on the checklist items for the steps you have to take while writing a custom channel. To keep things simple, I'm only going to talk about the client-side part of the equation. Where needed, I'll point out that there is an equivalent server-side piece that you need to implement as well.

To get a minimally working binding element for a client channel, you need to think about what you're going to do in four particular methods.

CanBuildChannelFactory is how you plug into the evaluate step of the channel construction process. This method allows consumers of your channel to validate whether construction is going to succeed without actually performing the build process. You should put your validation in a common place rather than duplicating it between the evaluate and build stages. It will save you a lot of trouble whenever you update your channel. There's a corresponding method for the evaluate stage on the server. 2. BuildChannelFactory is how you plug into the build step of the channel construction process. This method produces the channel manager object used by the next layer of the build process. Primarily what you're doing here is copying settings from the binding element to the channel manager so that future changes to the binding element don't affect existing channels. There's a corresponding method for the build stage on the server. 3. GetProperty is a query interface for dynamically discovering information about the channel. Any properties you don't recognize should be passed to the inner binding element so that channels further down in the stack have a chance to respond. I'll have more details about the interfaces you should implement with GetProperty later. 4. Clone produces an exact copy of the binding element. You should implement Clone by creating a copy constructor and doing all of the work in the constructor. Clone will be called many times during the evaluate and build processes. It is essential that modifying the cloned binding element does not affect the original binding element.

Next time: Writing Channel Manager Essentials


  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2007
    How do I prevent clients from accessing my service anonymously? I've changed the settings in IIS from