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Nicholas Allen's Indigo Blog

Windows Communication Foundation From the Inside

Obligatory Year End Review

Here are the stats from the world around us. Number of posts in 2008: 255, which happens to be the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 01/02/2009

Advances in Certificate Spoofing

An interesting developing news story in this otherwise slow week has been about a security research...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/31/2008

Submit a Session for MIX

The deadline for external presenters to submit their session ideas for MIX 2009 is January 23rd. You...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/30/2008

VSLive 2009 in San Francisco

VSLive is a Microsoft sponsored conference for developers working with Visual Studio and .Net. The...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/29/2008

Testing REST Services

Pablo Cibraro published an article the other day demonstrating how to write unit and integration...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/26/2008

Sam Ruby to Chair HTML WG

I saw an announcement the other day that Sam Ruby will become co-chair of the W3C HTML working group...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/23/2008

Limited Time Free Book Offer

Microsoft Press has been doing a 25th anniversary book offer where they put up a free pdf download...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/22/2008

Orcas SP1 Update

An update to Orcas SP1 is being rolled out that will be available through Windows Update. The update...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/19/2008

Reliable Authentication Delays

Why does turning on reliable sessions sometimes cause the client to take much longer to fail an...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/18/2008

Silverlight Cross Domain Checker

After writing the series on the Silverlight cross domain policy format I ran across a quick utility...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/17/2008

Service Extension Model

Many of the WCF runtime classes that support adding new state do so through a common extension...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/16/2008

SOA Business Process Conference 2009

The 2009 SOA and Business Process conference will be held at the conference center on the Microsoft...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/15/2008

Moonlight Interview

Scott Hanselman interviewed Miguel de Icaza and Joseph Hill a few days ago to talk about Moonlight....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/12/2008

Exceptions in Transactions

I have a service operation that throws an exception to return an error back to the client. When the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/11/2008

Fault Serialization with XmlSerializer

About 20 posts ago, back before PDC, this was the next topic in the queue to be posted. It has been...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/10/2008

WCF Virtual Labs

A new virtual lab that I don't think I've mentioned was posted a while ago on MSDN. The lab covers...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/09/2008

Non-Destructive Queue Receive State Machine

The state machine for a non-destructive receive has some noticeable similarities to the state...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/08/2008

Non-Destructive Queue Receive

You should take the time to understand the earlier articles in the series for context if you haven't...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/05/2008

An Alternative Queuing Model

Before talking about the new model for queued transports that we've added to WCF 4.0, let's first...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/04/2008

Aaron Skonnard WCF Screencasts

I mentioned a few months ago that there would be a series of WCF screencasts being published. Aaron...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/03/2008

Average of Anniversaries

I haven't previously denoted an anniversary date for WCF because there are so many to choose from....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/02/2008

Future of Queuing

Another of the topics that you'll hear a lot about for asynchronous and decoupled programming in WCF...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 12/01/2008

Managed Extensibility Framework Preview Update

Another preview release (preview 3) for the Managed Extensibility Framework went live yesterday. MEF...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/26/2008

Introduction to Monadic Programming

Since I'm on the topic of highly distributed, concurrent, and asynchronous programming I thought I'd...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/25/2008

Correlation under the Hood

You'll probably want to have read the previous articles about correlation for this to make sense....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/24/2008

Message Filters and Queries

Since a message filter and message query share a similar heritage, let's start by looking at the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/21/2008

Future of Correlation Examples

Last time I talked about how WCF 4.0 standardizes many different types of correlations using a query...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/20/2008

Future of Correlation

One of the topics that you'll hear a lot about for asynchronous and decoupled programming in WCF 4.0...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/19/2008

Like Going to the Post Office

For a long time it's been true that the average personal computer is not well-suited to running...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/18/2008

Framework Training Kit Preview

Last week a preview training kit was posted for Visual Studio 2010 and .Net Framework 4.0. A...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/17/2008

The Future of WCF, Part 2

Having read part 1 will be helpful. As I mentioned last time, there were two markets in particular...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/14/2008

The Future of WCF, Part 1

It's been two years since we shipped the first release of WCF (codenamed Indigo). It was actually...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/13/2008

1 Question Survey on Configuration

Since I did the survey question on extensibility, I thought I'd do this followup on configuration....

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/12/2008

Silverlight Unit Test Framework

A few weeks ago the Silverlight Toolkit was released to extend the existing set of controls and...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/11/2008

1 Question Extensibility Survey

WCF has a whole lot of extensibility points. Many of those extensibility points use similar systems...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/10/2008

The Web Services Track

As a way to wrap up on PDC content I thought I'd do a bit of indexing to highlight the different...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/07/2008

2009 Conference Schedule

Now that we're winding down on 2008 conferences, I've started seeing more news coming about the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/06/2008

WCF REST Starter Kit

Now that I'm mostly caught up with reporting on sessions from PDC, I'll start talking a bit about...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/05/2008

Videos for PDC Sessions You've Seen Here

Now that most of the PDC session videos are up, here are links for the ones that I've talked about...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/04/2008

PDC 2008: Project Velocity Under the Hood

(Presenters: Anil Nori and Murali Krishnaprasad) What they said: Learn about the architecture of...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 11/03/2008

PDC 2008: Live Services Mesh Services Architecture and Concepts

(Presenter: Abolade Gbadegesin) What they said: You've heard how Live Mesh combines the world of the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 10/31/2008

PDC 2008: Under the Hood Advances in the .NET Type System

(Presenter: Misha Shneerson) What they said: Enhancements to the type system in the next version of...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 10/30/2008

PDC 2008: Deep Dive Dynamic Languages in Microsoft .NET

(Presenter: Jim Hugunin) What they said: The CLR has great support for dynamic languages like...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 10/29/2008

PDC 2008: The Future of C#

(Presenter: Anders Hejlsberg) What they said: In this talk Microsoft Technical fellow and C# Chief...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 10/28/2008

PDC 2008: What to Look For

Here is how PDC is going to work in terms of the articles that you'll see. I will try to continue to...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 10/27/2008

Diagnosing a Common Transactional Queue Error

Since a lot of people seemed to like the article on interpreting error messages when opening a...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 10/24/2008

Getting Started Profiling Services

I wrote an article about profiling WCF services but I found out this week that Wenlong Dong had...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 10/23/2008

Writers are like Streams

I recently saw some application code that misused XmlWriter and which happened not to work all the...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 10/22/2008

One Week Countdown

The last week has been a hard push to get everything ready for PDC. Yesterday I checked in the final...

Author: Nicholas Allen Date: 10/21/2008

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