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Apps for Office: Table binding and cell formatting in an Excel table


This code sample demonstrates techniques for creating a table binding, adding rows to an existing binding, applying table styles and applying cell formatting.

Building the Sample

  1. Open ExcelFormattingSample.sln in Visual Studio 2013.
  2. Right-click on the ExcelFormattingSample project in Solution Explorer and choose Set as startup project.
  3. Press the F5 key to build the solution and run it in Excel 2013


This example demonstratres several techniques for working with table bindings in Excel 2013 using the JavaScript API for Office.

To get started, run the solution as described above. Once running, specify a number of rows and click the Create Sample Table button. This will create a sample table with random data containing five columns: Number of Widgets, Order Needed By, Month, Color and Customer. The color column is a hex value and the font color of the cell is set to the value.

Once the table has been inserted, the additional buttons on the app become available for use. Clicking Add Rows adds the specified number of rows of random data to the table.

Select a table style from the Table Options drop down list and click the Table Options button to apply the style.

Use the Range Formatting section to apply a border around the cells specified by the start and end row/col input boxes.

Note: The rows and columns are zero based and relative to the start of the table. They are not representative of the row numbers and column letters in Excel.

To clear all formatting from the table, click the Clear Format button.

Clicking Clear Data will remove all the rows from the table, but leave the table headers.

Cell Formatting

The code samples demonstrate a valuable technique for applying cell formatting to a large range of cells. When applying cell formatting in Excel Onlin, the number of format groups passed to the cellFormat parameter cannot exceed 100. To get around this limitation the code demostrates the use of a queue and a recursive function for applying the formatting in sets of 100.

Source Code Files

The key source code files in this project are the following

  • ExcelFormattingSampleWeb\App\Home\Home.html - contains the html controls and formatting for the UI of the app.
  • ExcelFormattingSampleWeb\App\Home\Home.js - contains the application logic for creating and manipulating the table

Download the code sample from MSDN here: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Apps-for-Office-Table-5188dc55

More Information

For more information see the JavaScript API for Office.