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Gates Center at Carnegie Mellon

I visited my alma mater, Carnegie Mellon last weekend. Met up with some fellow alums who came in from out of town, including Brendan, Scott, and Brian, pictured here. We're checking out the construction site for the Gates Center at Carnegie Mellon. This was enabled by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the university. It's the first time I had seen the project.

Brendan, Scott, and Brian viewing the construction site of the Gates Center at Carnegie Mellon

Brendan, Scott, and Brian viewing the construction site of the Gates Center at Carnegie Mellon

Here's a view of the construction site itself. Pictured in the background are Wean Hall and Doherty Hall.

The construction site of the Gates Center at Carnegie Mellon

You can read about the details of the project on the Wikipedia article.
