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Training videos for SharePoint Enterprise search

Building and implementing enterprise search solutions

The presentations provide details about key enterprise search capabilities in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Module 1: Workshop Overview

Module 2: Enterprise Search Overview

Module 3: SharePoint Search 2007 Walkthrough

Module 4: Search Architecture and Deployment Scenarios

Module 5: Crawl and Query Processes

Module 6: Relevance Ranking

Module 7: Customizing the End-User Experience

Module 8: Developing Search Solutions

Module 9: Business Data Catalog Search

Module 10: Extensibility and Integration for Search

Module 11: Search Administration

Module 12: Security for Search

Module 13: Performance Scalability and Capacity Planning for Search

Module 14: Search Operations
(https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=115649&clcid=0x409 )

Hope these videos are helpful for understanding the SharePoint Search!