Arduino Netduino: Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer
I have been thinking about buying a nice Oscilloscope/Logic Analyzer ever since I bought that little cheapie one I bought a few weeks ago. But then I thought that it would be cool to build one. I know how they work, and usually my needs are pretty low tech and low bandwidth. As a result I am going to try to build one using either an Arduino or Netduino.
Here are some of the plans I am reviewing, mainly since it will definitely be more expensive to build then to buy, but it would be cool to have the experience: , this one looks good!, fast, but complicated, if you have built out other kits or projects, this is for you. cheap, requires only an UNO board and a wire, cheap, not a true Oscilloscope, but close enough and simple.
I am definitely going to give one of the harder ones a try, but the last two are likely good enough to solve most problems that require an O-scope (Oscilloscope).
June 19, 2014
Hey, I wrote the Arduino Oscilloscope article on MitchTech's blog. For what it's worth, I use the "Open Bench Logic Sniffer" for purposes of i2c and spi debugging. Definitely get the "Logic sniffer Probe Cable" with it. What I've learned to look for in a logic analyzer:Ease of instrumentation. The Open Bench probe cable tweezers-style connectors are GREAT.
Software. Open Bench has software that works with it.
Resolution. Ensure probe device has a resolution that is capable of measuring your device under test. Using Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem it's roughly 2*period of the device you are sampling.
August 07, 2015
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