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David Musgrave does the ALS #IceBucketChallenge

David Meego - Click for blog homepageYou have probably heard on the various social media platforms about the ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness and donations for the ALS Association. ALS is known in Australia as Motor Neuron Disease, so you can also make a donation to MND Australia.

A number of important people in the Microsoft world have taken the challenge and got wet as well as made a donation. Check out the videos below from the three CEOs of Microsoft (Satya Nadella, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer) as well the Microsoft Australia's General Manager, Pip Marlow:

Satya Nadella Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS (direct link)



Bill Gates ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (direct link)



Steve Ballmer takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (direct link)



Pip Marlow Takes The Ice Bucket Challenge (direct link)



Anyhow, via Twitter Jivtesh Singh challenged me, Belinda Allen and Beat Bucher to the Ice Bucket Challenge. 

So, I asked Jivtesh where the video of him getting wet was and he said he had donated rather than do the challenge. I told him that was just not good enough and I wanted to see him get wet. And being the good sport he is, he accepted the challenge. See his blog post and video below:

Jivtesh Singh's ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Aug 2014 (direct link)



Therefore, I could not delay any longer and this morning I did the challenge and also made a donation. 

David Musgrave does the ALS #IceBucketChallenge (direct link)



As part of the challenge, I can nominate 3 others and so I nominate Mariano Gomez (The Dynamics GP Blogster), Pam Misialek (Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP) and Sensei David Wilkes of Wilkes Martial Arts Academy to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge with in the next 24 hours.

Please help this great cause and donate to the ALS Association or to MND Australia, especially those in Microsoft Dynamics GP community and GPUG Members

Waiting for your videos Mariano, Pam and David.

