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Windows Phone 7: 80% increase in App developers

The developer community is placing some big bets with Windows Phone. How we can see that? Per WindowsPhone’s team blog we can notice nearly 80% increase in the number of registered developers since September, with more than 15,000 developers already signaling their intent to bring exciting content to Windows Phone. This is a great move.

In order to promote the efforts of developers, Windows Phone team assisting in the following ways:

1) Find Windows Phone 7 Apps & Games on Bing Visual Search
2) Promoting Windows Phone 7 Apps & Games on Xbox 360
3) Windows Phone 7 Apps & Games on Windowsphone.com
4) Campaigns featuring Windows Phone 7 Apps & Games
5) Windows Phone Marketplace on Zune PC software

With the international expansion of the Zune music and video service on Xbox LIVE, Windows PC and of course Windows Phone, the Zune PC software is now on more screens and in more markets than ever. In addition to the things we’re doing to promote apps and games for Windows Phone 7, we’ve added a few features that developers can use to better market their apps and games. Developers can take advantage of deep linking by installing the Download Now Kit.

This is just a sample of the type of work that we do to get apps and games in front of customers. You can expect more apps, contents in the Marketplace in forth coming days!!