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Play Xbox & get 400 Microsoft Points FREE

MGS Holiday Offer

Xbox has a great deal to help you you to kick off the holiday season. Just spend 1600 Microsoft Points on selected offerings from Microsoft Game Studios (see the list below) between November 16 – November 23 and receive 400 Microsoft Points--FREE!

For more information, See official rules

Offer Details

To qualify for this special offer, you must first register by downloading the Microsoft Game Studios Offer gamerpic, and then purchase the eligible Arcade games, game add-on, or avatar accessories from Xbox LIVE Marketplace using your Xbox LIVE account before November 23.

Gamertag Registration

To take advantage of this great deal, you must download the free Microsoft Game Studios Gamer Picture. You can queue this gamer pic up for download to your console right here:

  1. Go to Xbox LIVE Event Registrations https://marketplace.xbox.com/games/media/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802475207f5/
  2. Select Microsoft Game Studios Offer from the list and select Download to Xbox 360
  3. Select Confirm
  4. You'll see a Congratulations! This item has been added to your download queue message.

You can also access the free gamer pic via the banner ads running on Xbox LIVE, or in the Gamer Picture section of the Xbox LIVE dashboard.

Download new adventures for favorites like Halo Wars.

You must register for the offer using the same Xbox LIVE gamertag that you will use for your purchase. This promotion starts at 01:01 P.M. (GMT +8) on November 16 and ends at 12:59 P.M. (GMT+8) on November 23, 2010.


Eligible Arcade Games

Eligible Game Add-ons

Eligible Avatar Items

Splosion Man South Park UNO Rush Perfect Dark Snoopy Flying Ace Defense Grid Magic the Gathering Banjo Kazooie Banjo Tooie Ikaruga Fable II Pub Games Braid A Kingdom for Keflings Rez HD The Maw Scrap Metal Alien Breed Episode 1 Alien Breed Episode 2 The Dishwasher Dead Samurai Duke Nukem 3D N+

Forza Motorsport 3 Mass Effect Fable II Halo 3 Halo Wars Gears of War 2 Alan Wake LIPS Crackdown Crackdown 2 Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Scene It


Halo Reach Halo 3: ODST Halo 3 Gears of War 2 Gears of War 3 Crackdown 2 Fable II Fable III Perfect Dark Toy Soldiers

After registering and spending 1600 Microsoft Points on eligible downloads during the promotional period, the free Points will be either be deposited automatically into your Xbox LIVE account or sent to your e-mail via a token. Please allow four weeks for delivery, on or around December 20, 2010.


  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2013
    i got ronaldo in a pack but i want 7