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Outlook Object Model : Creating simple tasks programmatically using OOM & VBA?

In this post, we will create the simple Outlook tasks programmatically using Outlook Object Model API & VBA. We do this by using the code snippet:

 '[Code Snippet for creating Simple Tasks using Outlook Object Model API & VBA]
 Private Sub CreateTasks()
     'Declare the Task item
     Dim objTask As TaskItem
     ' Create Outlook Task item
     Set objTask = Application.CreateItem(olTaskItem)
     'Define its values
     objTask.Subject = "Test Item"
     objTask.Body = "Test task item"
     objTask.Importance = olImportanceNormal
     objTask.Status = olTaskNotStarted
     objTask.NoAging = True
     'Save the task
     MsgBox "Task Created"
     ' Clean up.
     Set objTask = Nothing
 End Sub


  • Anonymous
    July 10, 2009
    That creates a task in outlook but how I create a task associate with the current contact...I mind that appears in the contact form. Thanks in advance.

  • Anonymous
    September 29, 2015
    I have a doubt that how we can create custom tab in outlook with VBA code.and where we write code.please sovle my problem if you have solution.Thank you in advance.

  • Anonymous
    September 30, 2015
    @RAM - Explain what you mean by custom tab? If you want to run the above macro then you need to make use of Outlook VBA Editor. Refer: msdn.microsoft.com/.../ee814736(v=office.14).aspx and www.slipstick.com/.../how-to-use-outlooks-vba-editor