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Introducing Open Live Writer - Open Source Fork of Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer released as the open source Open Live Writer. It’s a great day for bloggers who have a favorite tool for creating content. Yes I use Windows Live Writer for my blogging and it changed my way of blogging. Today Microsoft announced that Open Live Writer was released and has been contributed to the .NET Foundation. Open Live Writer is an open source application enabling users to author, edit, and publish blog posts. You can download it from https://openlivewriter.org/

Le Café Central de Deva - Open Live Writer 

For more information, you can refer:
- Post from Scott Hanselman @ https://www.hanselman.com/blog/AnnouncingOpenLiveWriterAnOpenSourceForkOfWindowsLiveWriter.aspx.
- Detailed post available at DotNetFoundation @ https://www.dotnetfoundation.org/blog/open-live-writer 

Hope this helps.