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How to & Webcast : Working with Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 categories and flags

Hey, i found this webcast, which can help us to use the Outlook 2007 categories and flags.

During this Support WebCast we will provide information about Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. Specifically, we will provide the following information:

  • List the goals of the design improvements made to flags
  • List ways to apply flags to various items Outlook 2007
  • Discuss the enhancements made to the category functions in Outlook 2007
  • List the different ways to assign categories to items in Outlook
  • Manage categories and use the Most Recently Used list options
  • Explain the ways that categories are displayed in module views
  • Understand backward compatibility issues related to the new category functionality

This is a Level 100 (https://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=gp;en-us;webcastlevels\&sd=gn) session that was recorded Wednesday, 25 April 2007 and presented by Audey Teeter. Audey Teeter is a graduate of the Middle Tennessee State University at Murfreesboro, TN, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree. He has worked for Microsoft for more than six years. Audey started out as a support engineer for Microsoft Office Setup and later Microsoft Word. He has progressed through the roles of mentor and partner technical lead, and has also been a beta engineer for Office 2003 Common Components. Audey is a Partner Technical Lead for Office Setup, Outlook, Business Contact Manager, and Outlook Express. He is currently involved in the Microsoft Office 12 beta.

Viewing the Presentation

View this Support WebCastTo view, please click on the link: View this Support WebCast (https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/msevents/view?id=wc042507)  (Length: 1 hour 0 minutes)
This Windows Streaming Media archive requires an Internet connection of 56 Kbps or faster, and is best viewed with a minimum screen resolution of 800 X 600.

OfflineOffline viewing download (https://download.microsoft.com/download/a/d/1/ad1af678-2742-4bec-85a6-388c54e30f20/wc042507.wmv.zip ) - If you wish to download a copy of this broadcast to your local hard drive for off-line viewing, we provide this as a separate file (self-extracting .exe) that you can download.
Podcasting/Mobile Resources

Audio-Only - WMAAudio-Only Stream (.WMA format) (https://download.microsoft.com/download/a/d/1/ad1af678-2742-4bec-85a6-388c54e30f20/wc042507.wma.zip ) - Click this link if you wish to listen to an audio-only version of this broadcast in WMA (Windows Media Audio) streaming format.

Audio-Only - MP3Audio-Only Stream (.MP3 format) (https://download.microsoft.com/download/a/d/1/ad1af678-2742-4bec-85a6-388c54e30f20/wc042507.mp3.zip ) - Click this link if you wish to listen to an audio-only version of this broadcast in MP3 (MPEG Audio) format.

Additional Resources

PPT Download the presentation (https://download.microsoft.com/download/a/d/1/ad1af678-2742-4bec-85a6-388c54e30f20/wc042507.zip ) - This is a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) file.
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the slides, please use the PowerPoint Viewer (https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=428d5727-43ab-4f24-90b7-a94784af71a4&DisplayLang=en) (1,911 KB).

Transcript Read the Transcript from this event (https://download.microsoft.com/download/a/d/1/ad1af678-2742-4bec-85a6-388c54e30f20/wct042507.zip )

Happy learning!!