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Exchange Server 2007 & OWA : Password change feature

If you work with Exchange Server 2007, this method is no longer required.  But, it can be used with Windows Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2007 configurations when the ability to change passwords after they have expired or when users are required to change their password at the first logon is needed.


When i was in search mode regards to this, just i found an article by Will Duff, which talks about what we need to know about the OWA Change Password feature of Exchange Server 2007 ? It’s worth of reading…:)

He not only talks about the OWA & Exchange server 2007, but has various references to it’s previous versions.

“…The previous versions of Exchange Server utilized the Change Password functionality for IIS 5 and 6 using the IISADMPWD virtual directory and a .DLL file on the server.  These configurations were discussed in the following KB articles:

FIX: You experience various problems when you use the Password Change pages in IIS 5.0

FIX: You experience various problems when you use the Password Change pages in IIS 6.0

Implementing the Change Password feature with Outlook Web Access