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Exchange Server 2007 : Getting Mailbox statistics using C#.Net & Exchange Powershell

In this session, we will have a look about how to get the mailbox statistics information using from Exchange Server 2007 SP1 using C#.Net & Exchange Powershell.

I tried the following code to get the mailbox statistics…

    1:  ....
    2:  //Create Runspaceconfiguraiton object
    3:  RunspaceConfiguration config = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();
    4:  PSSnapInException snapEx = null;
    6:  //Add it to the Powershell SnapIn
    7:  PSSnapInInfo info = config.AddPSSnapIn("Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin", out snapEx);
    9:  //Create a Runspace
   10:  Runspace space = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(config);
   12:  //Supply the Command & its relevant parameters collection
   13:  Command createcmd = new Command(@"Get-Mailboxstatistics testmailbox");
   14:  createcmd.Parameters.Add("server", "servername");
   16:  //Create the collection & invoke the pipe
   17:  pipe.Commands.Add(createcmd);
   18:  Collection<PSObject> results = null;
   19:  results = pipe.Invoke();
   20:  ....