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Developers Must: Download MSDN Samples library browser

Developers love code samples, but they have been sitting in front of desktop for too long. A Sample Browser app can give them some time to sit relaxingly in a sofa and continue to learn the beloved code samples. The Sample Browser gives developers a new experience to search, download, learn, and share thousands of code samples. The large sample repository includes Microsoft official code samples for Windows Store apps, over 1200 Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework samples driven by developers' real-world pains and needs, and various product samples and community samples.

So now you can download them as wish, either to your Windows 8/RT device or Windows Traditional desktop:

Windows 8 app: Download the Windows 8 app for your Windows 8 or Windows RT device itgives developers a new experience to search, download, learn, share and request code samples. Swipe and search and share - It's that easy! The app also supports the offline mode, so you can learn code samples anytime, anywhere.
Traditional desktop: Download Sample browser for traditional desktop, this will be very useful when you are using Visual Studio Express.

Sample Browser for Windows 8/RT device  Sample Browser for Traditional Desktop

Adding few screenshots for your view:

Sample Browser for Windows 8  Sample Browser for Windows 8

  Sample Browser for Windows 8  Sample Browser


  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2013
    Great documentation and utility. The above works fine on Windows 8 Modern UI and Windows XP based legacy one too.