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Code snippet using OOM : How to modify in-appropriate CSS/HTML tags available in the Outlook e-mail’s HTMLBody ?


Please find the following code snippet shows how we can modify/edit/add more or in-appropriate CSS/HTML tags available in the Outlook e-mail’s HTMLBody using Outlook Object Model:

 '[Code Snippet - Outlook Object Model 
 '[How to modify Outlook e-mail's inappropriate CSS/HTML tags from its HTML Body
 Dim str As String
 Dim str1 As String
 Dim omailitem As Outlook.MailItem
 Dim oattach As Outlook.Attachment
 Dim ofolder As Outlook.Folder
 'str1 stands for CSS/HTML tag that needs to be removed from mail's HTMLBody
 str1 = "<myNameisRemote_style_0 <!--.Quote{margin-left:1pt;padding-left:4pt;border-left:#6000002pxsolid;}--=""""" & "></style>"
 'Pick the Folder
 Set ofolder = Application.Session.PickFolder
 'Loop through the items
 For Each Item In ofolder.Items
 'Select a single item
 Set omailitem = Item
 str = Trim(omailitem.HTMLBody)
 'Check the HTMLBody has "myNameisRemote_style_0" string in this mail using Instr()
 If InStr(str, "myNameisRemote_style_0") Then
 'If Yes, then replace it
 str = Replace(str, str1, " ")
 Debug.Print "this has " & str
 ' Assign the replaced value back to HTMLBody
 omailitem.HTMLBody = str
 'Save the mail message
 Debug.Print "Not Problem with <myNameisRemote_style_0 CSS_HTML tags"
 End If
