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Shameless Gloating: My Out of Office note for Friday the 31st of March!

Thankyou for contacting me, unfortunately I won’t be able to respond until Monday the 3rd of April as I will be going ‘nanas at the 2006 Formula 1 Foster’s Australian Grand Prix where I will get to see both Formula One practice laps, the BMW Celebrity Challenge Qualifying and attend the BMW teams hospitality lunch! I dearly wish you could be here with me, but you know, C’est la vie and whatever…ciao :{

Yes, that’s right, I’m off to the Friday funsies at the Aussie GP thanks to the wonderful folks at Intel. Having never been to the GP, I’m as excited as this little fella (I love the slow mo’ bit of the clip)! Will take many snaps, the only downside, is Clarry won’t be there to share the day.

Incidentally, whoever took Clarry that fateful night in Adelaide should know, my first and last thoughts each day involve scenarios of gory retribution against Clarry’s kidnappers (I hope the reason Clarry is missing isn’t due to Stockholm Syndrome).

Anyhoo, have a great F1 Friday ya’ll ;)