Don't be stingy, get blogging!
I've always been fascinated by the language of developers. I don't mean C# or VB.NET either, I mean the way two or more developers talk when they get together; whether it's about the latest project they're working on, or a great webcast the recently watched.
So this week, I've been adding a very topical point into my conversations with architects and developers, the good new blog. And with Frank being named as Australia's #1 business blogger, I thought it was time to get a call to action happening.
Now over the last few weeks, I've had some awesome conversations, with consultants, architects, developers, project managers, you name it. And approximately 90% of the people I had these conversations with said "No" when I asked them if they had a blog. What really shocked me was their response to my question "Why?". "I don't have anything to contribute!", "Who would want to read my blog!", were the kinds of answers I was getting.
So I'd like to clear up one big myth about blogging, it's not just for hard core techies! Blogging is about sharing an experience, a thought, a conversation, that might inspire or motivate someone else, or it could even be a call for assistance. Either way, blogging is about connecting into a bigger picture, instead of staying small.
So the next step is to get yourself a blog. There are a number of great, free blogging services out there on the web, and most of them support syndication through some kind of xml service (RSS, Atomic). I've listed a few which I think are great, but all you have to do is hit google, and heaps pop up.
My recommendations are:
1. theSpoke
2. ASP.NET - You will need to register as part of the site, then create a blog using the xBlog function.
3. Blogger - This is from the people from Google (well they endorse it anyway :>)
So go and setup a blog, email me your link, and start sharing yourself with the world (let's keep it to text for now).
March 05, 2005
welcome mr dave
don't forget about msn spaces -
and btw google OWNS bloggerAnonymous
March 05, 2005
How to blog in ASP.NET? I am a registered member in the forums! Thank You.Anonymous
March 07, 2005
As it turns out, the ASP.NET blogs are not as easy as I had thought to setup. I would stick to using theSpoke, blogger, or as Frank suggested, MSN Spaces. Sorry for the confusion everyone :)Anonymous
October 03, 2006
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 20, 2006
Ahh yes, it's with mixed feelings (notice how people always put that in emails when someone is leaving??)Anonymous
January 09, 2008
Wow, just had a look at my control panel to free some comments, and realized I had hit 500 posts. So,Anonymous
January 09, 2008
Wow, just had a look at my control panel to free some comments, and realized I had hit 500 posts. SoAnonymous
January 09, 2008
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