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Time for a new useless blog subtitle

For the longest time, I had set my blog subtitle to “Dynamic Data and other ASP.NET topics”, which some might argue would not have won any originality contests.  On the bright side, it was a fine match for my equally original blog title: “David Ebbo's blog”.

So I went on a quest for a new subtitle as part of my 2009 New Year resolutions (ok, it’s the only one so far).  As for changing the Title itself, I’ll save that for New Year 2010.

My first stop in this memorable journey resulted in the use of the extremely witty word ‘Ebblog’.  While undeniably cool, I somehow decided to pass on it.  The future will probably not tell whether it was a good move.

Still looking to capitalize on my uniquely catchy last name, I came up with the soon-to-be memorable phrase: “The Ebb and Flow of ASP.NET”.

Some online dictionary defines it as “the continually changing character of something”.  I guess that’s not so bad.

And then there is Wikipedia, which defines it as “a form of hydroponics that is known for its simplicity, reliability of operation”.  Of course, I don’t have a clue what hydroponics means (and neither do you), but the rest sounds pretty good.

So that’s that.  Thanks for letting me waste your time.  By now, the momentum is clearly building for renaming the blog Title itself, but you’ll just have to wait another year for this thriller to unfold.


  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2008
    Nice! I've been thinking I need a new subtitle as well... I wonder if I need to have a new year's resolution to make it happen :-)

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2008
    Fun to read this post. served well as a part of holiday cheers.