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Office Move 2006

For the next several days (through the weekend), the entire IIS team has been evicted from our offices as movers shuffle many of us around in preparation for that big unified push to ship IIS7. So, we are all looking at a 4+ day weekend...

In some senses, this "mandatory" break is a good thing for the IIS team overall. There are a lot of anxious nerves and frayed edges starting to unravel, and extra time to unwind can only help.

At the same time, like most every project, there are SO many things still to be done for the upcoming milestone that taking a break definitely stalls momentum.

I guess the trick is to offset the stalling momentum with a bigger push from recharged people...

I am taking the opportunity to relax and recharge a bit. Tomorrow, several IIS test/developer/PM are heading to Steven's Pass to ski/snowboard. The weather around Seattle the past couple of days has been extremely cold, so conditions should be ok. Now, we all happen to be in completely different functional areas of IIS, so I doubt we will drag our jobs along with us. Good. :-)

Then, another group of us are going to be in Vancouver, Canada over the weekend... no, not planned at all. We just all happen to be in the area at around the same time. No, we probably won't visit Lumiere... but there are lots of great Chinese food to be consumed! Mmm... :-)

So... if I don't get to your recent comments (I have several recent ones all bunched up)... you know where I am. ;-)



  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2006

    How about some before & after photos? We'd love to see your old and new office space :)  Maybe a Channel 9 video?

    - Mark
  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2006
    Mark - Hmm, good idea. I hadn't thought of that. That reminds me to try out the new photo gallery space that came along with the MSDN blog upgrade.

    Well, since I just went and dismantled the old space yesterday, I'll only have photos of the new office next week when I set it up again.
