2016-01 ITProGuru Events Newsletter – 2016 Brings Many New Events
A New Look· · ·
2016 brings in a new look and a new dedication to make sure you do not miss any great events. We have new tools and new capabilities to bring you all the information you need to keep up with technology.
All Events are free unless specifically designated otherwise.
Microsoft EventsTechNet on Tour· · ·
Cloud InfrastructureÞ 02/02/2016 Boston, MA Þ 02/24/2016 Philadelphia, PA Þ 03/29/2016 New York, NY Windows 10 and EMMÞ Coming March 2016 Þ 3/29/2016 New York, NY Þ Registration opening soon Hybrid CloudÞ Coming April 2016 Þ TBD/04/2016 Cambridge MA Þ Registration opening soon Certification Jump StartÞ Coming May 2016 Featured Online Training· · ·
Microsoft Virtual AcademyÞ Windows 10 in the Enterprise Channel9Þ Download Windows 10 and Create USB Thumb Drive for Booting to Installation PLUS Data Migration Þ Raw Tech – real raw technical knowledge ITProGuru BlogÞ TechNet Radio: (Part 1) Deploying Windows 10: Deployment and Servicing Options Þ Rejjee Startup Azure Incredible Story |
2016 Brings Many New EventsWe have 4 main series coming up in the next 6 months. Cloud Infrastructure (Azure) will be on tap for Feb/Mar. Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility Management will be delivered in March. Hybrid Cloud, where we dive into Windows Server 2016 is coming in April. Finally, in May-June we will have an all-day Certification Jump Start on the 70-534 Architecting Azure Solutions Certification. All attendees will take home the Microsoft Press book.
Azure, Windows Server 2016 and EMM Events Coming to help solve the Talent GapSome of the same challenges CIO’s face today have been the top challenges of the last four years running. Gartner has released their 2016 Top CIO Priorities and Challenges (https://www.gartner.com/imagesrv/cio/pdf/cio_agenda_insights_2016.pdf) and yet again talent, or lack thereof, tops the list. “Talent has now been recognized globally as the single biggest issue standing in the way of CIOs achieving their objectives.” Topping the talent gap is:
Þ Information /Analytics Þ Business Knowledge Acumen Þ Security and Risk Management
To help combat this talent gap our speakers will deliver relevant content at all of our upcoming events.
Registration (once available will be at): https://www.technetevents.com/
TechNet on Tour | Cloud InfrastructureWhat’s new with Microsoft cloud Infrastructure and OSS for modern IT Pros It’s time to embrace cloud infrastructure, maximize your current resources and enhance datacenter flexibility to deploy new technologies. Ready to learn more? Attend this free, full-day training session and discover first-hand how to integrate cloud solutions with your existing, on-premises datacenter – without sacrificing security, control, reliability and scalability. You’ll see how advanced Azure infrastructure services enable you to provide reliable data access, while maximizing productivity across platforms, including Microsoft and Open Source (OSS), GitHub, and more. Join Microsoft experts and learn how to: Þ Keep up with datacenter changes in a cloud-first world Þ Enhance virtualization performance in the cloud for different workloads Þ Enable faster and easier deployment using Azure Resource Manager templates and GIT Þ Design compute and storage infrastructure to improve performance and enhance security through Azure Networking infrastructure Þ Boost secure data access with identity solutions via Azure Active Directory Þ Minimize errors and save time with advanced automation using PowerShell and DSC extensions in your infrastructure Registration (once available will be at): https://www.technetevents.com/
TechNet on Tour | Certification Jump Start70-534 Architecting Azure Solutions A typical agenda looks like the following:
Trial | Brainstorming Team Technology WorkshopIf you are in the North East US … do you have any interest in a Team Workshop for your business or group? Send an email to itproguru\@microsoft.com Teach your team how to “think outside the box”, “understand how to leverage technology to solve business challenges or execute on opportunities”. Now taking applications. This is a free training but I need either a large number of people from a single company (30’ish) or for smaller groups, we can do multi-company workshops where each company is a team. Workshop formats available 60 mins, 1/4 day, 1/2 day, 1 day, multi-day.
More Resources· · ·
Þ ITProGuru on Channel9 Þ TechNet Event Registration Þ Raw Tech on Channel9 Third Party Events· · ·
AngelbeatCommunity Events· · ·
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February User Group Meetings:
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