다음을 통해 공유

The tyranny of distance, Mr Michael O'Donovan and SharePoint Services and App Pool Account Permissions

Was good to chat to Michael again, though now that he is English, it will be better once “The Ashes” is underway (that’s a Cricket series for any of those reading who are not in the Commonwealth, very historical, and played between Australia and England)…

But I digress….

Michael has put together a cracking post that summarises SharePoint and how it uses windows accounts. This is particularly important given that I know of at least three different documents published by Microsoft that put forward contradictory information. (while on that topics, for the record, I would suggest the “Admin Guide” always wins. I know it shouldn’t happen, but, sadly it does).

Anyway, take a read….And Michael, let’s talk again soon, what are you doing in 2006?