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SharePoint and RSS

John Durant, who has an excellent and widely read blog, posted about SharePoint and RSS today after a friend asked him if he knew of any web parts.

I did a post back here about SharePoint and RSS, but suspect it’s out of date  (hmmm…this is where Wiki’s work right?), so below is my update. Apologies, I know I have missed some out, but this is where you can help, if you have a web part, or anything else SharePoint and RSS related, let me AND John know about it.

Help him help his friend.

Ians RSS Links – https://www.wssdemo.com/pages/filterlinks.aspx?type=RSS%20Generators **

SharePoint and RSS Feed Generators
1. Maurice Prathers Web Part: https://www.bluedoglimited.com/Downloads/pages/SyndicationGenerator.aspx
2. Addy Santos BlogWave: https://weblogs.asp.net/asanto/archive/2004/08/22/218625.aspx
3. George Tsiokos DataView and XSLT: https://x5.tsiokos.com/posts/2005/01/11/wss-rss/
4. U2U RSS Feed for Microsoft SharePoint: https://www.u2u.net/software.aspx
5. DevHawk SharePoint Syndication: https://www.devhawk.net/prj_SharePointSynd.aspx
6. Daniel Larsons GotDotNet Sample: https://www.gotdotnet.com/workspaces/workspace.aspx?id=ddc8f126-5416-404f-bee0-4d80bbebe3a5

SharePoint RSS Consumers
1. Tim Heuers RssFeedReader – https://www.smilinggoat.net/stuff.aspx
2. George Tsiokos – SharePoint RSS/ATOM reader: https://x5.tsiokos.com/posts/2005/01/11/wss-rss/ **

** Updated through comments.
