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On Holidays....

Just wanted to let you know that I'm off on holidays for the next two weeks and I suspect posts, if any will be few and far between. If you are looking for something to read take a look at the following:

A South African partner I'm working with this week suggested the following:
Certainly a comprehensive list!

Fellow bloggers:
Jan Tielen - https://weblogs.asp.net/jan
John West - https://blogs.msdn.com/johnwe
Mark Bower - https://blogs.msdn.com/bowerm/
Maurice Prather - https://www.bluedoglimited.com/SharePointThoughts/default.aspx
Mike Walsh - https://mikeswss.blogg.de/
Graham Tyler - https://blogs.msdn.com/grahamtyler
Mark Harrison - https://markharrison.europe.webmatrixhosting.net/

Will see you when I get back....