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OLD CONTENT: Office 2003 Add-in: Web Parts and Components

I know it really looks like I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel with this post, but I’m not, honest, I have hundreds of exciting <grin> posts just waiting to be written. No really!

It’s just that I get requests all the time for information about where to get that “Groovy Web Capture Part” or “How did you put that chart in a Web Part”. This free pack includes these, and more, and it kinda gets forgotten (it’s actually on the CD, in the STSTPKPL folder).

Office Web Parts

Please let me know if you were completely bored by this post (comments people), otherwise I might introduce a whole new category called “Old Content” were I go over all those forgotten gems out there (maybe EVEN SharePoint Portal Server 2001 content!). Thats the thing with the blogosphere, it only really cares about the newly released stuff….


  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2005
    I think that this is cool but to keep it cool it needs to be maintained and updated.
  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2005
    I've been half-looking for this collection for weeks -- I knew it existed but haven't had the time or immediate need to track it down. Last I tried, it was sufficiently buried that five minutes of Googling didn't turn it up. This post made it a no-brainer. Keep 'em up.
  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2005
    Keep 'hem comming ;)<br><br>Best regards,<br>Pedro Serrano
  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2005
    That's a keeper!

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2005
    Demo video of using the Web Capture WebPart at
  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2005
    An odd thing happened today... I was replying to an email that came in asking how one could use Pivot Tables, Charts and Spreadsheets on a SharePoint site to display data from an external datasource (ie Access / SQL DB,...
  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2005
    I've got some old Site Server 3 stuff if you run out!