Halo, H4x0rs, and the life of a Blogosphere story
Semi-random stream of consciousness...
EricGu turned
me onto Red vs. Blue while we were at
the speaker lounge at TechEd and I started having uncontrollable fits of laughter
in what was a quiet room. They're making 22 episodes, so make sure
to donate to the cause. If you're a Halo fan this is an absolute must see. It's
a movie filmed entirely inside of Halo with a well written and executed
storyline. One of the best things I've seen on the net in a while!
Insecure recently polled a NMap (of Matrix2
fame) mailing list to see what they list members thought were the Top 75
security tools, excluding NMap of course. There are quite a bit of tools
I wasn't familiar with, but I thought I would pass this along as a good addition to
your bookmarks for security tools.
Life of Blogosphere stories
Interesting read on
the circle of life and evolution of blog postings, but the sample size does seem a
bit small for accurate scientific study. In Microdoc's own words "Through a study
of 45 blogosphere stories, Microdoc News has developed a picture of how a blogosphere
story gets started, how that story develops and then how it then comes to an end.
While each blogosphere story has its own pattern of development, the similarities
between one story and another is intriguingly similar. The smallest blogosphere stories
can have as few as fifteen bloggers, the average story has between 40 and 60 bloggers,
while the largest one to date had about 285 bloggers involved. A blogosphere story
can be as small as 180 posts in total, while the largest we studied has numbered 7,540
posts in total." The even post a pretty picture to explain the connections
between blog stories. I'm not sure what it means, but it looks like a complex version
of the classic "flea flicker" call.
- Anonymous
September 15, 2003
Hi, can I contact you by ICQ ? Spasibo. - Anonymous
October 04, 2003
I just want to say THANKS to all people in this community. You really help me. - Anonymous
January 06, 2004
A little late but I want to wish you a good luck in this year Happy New Year