Brad Abram's has been posting some
killer design guidelines on his blog which you should check out, and I also noticed
he posted a useful sample with
different message beep types. Scott Hanselman also included his sample from the
Portland user group. Below is another easy way to do the PC beep which
requires a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly:
- Anonymous
August 05, 2003
One interesting think about your thought to use Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Beep() is that if you decompile Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll you see two things:1. It demands some UI permissions (smart) in managed code, and then....2. It calls User32.dll's MessageBeep anyway!.method assembly static pinvokeimpl("user32" unicode winapi) int32 MessageBeep(int32 uType) cil managed preservesig{}