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New Articles: Working with Microsoft Lync Registry Settings


When the registry was first introduced in its current form in the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system, everyone at Microsoft was told “DO NOT tell users to touch anything in the registry. Ever.” We then proceeded to tell people that in some cases the only way to change something was to modify the registry.


Flash forward 16 years to 2011. The message from Microsoft today is “DO NOT tell users to touch anything in the registry. Ever.” Hey, at least we’re consistent.


But, again, there are exceptions. One of those exceptions happens to be if you’re writing Windows PowerShell scripts. In the set of articles Working with Microsoft Lync Registry Settings , we show you how to change Microsoft Lync 2010 settings by using scripts to modify the registry. Keep in mind that you can also modify these settings directly from the client, but if you’d like to use a script instead, this is how you do it.

