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Removing boundary groups that don't have a site system defined in ConfigMgr with PowerShell

A customer of mine had the question: How can we script the removal of boundary groups that don't have a site system defined in ConfigMgr 2012 R2?

PowerShell to the rescue!

We can simply use the SMS_BoundaryGroup Class in WMI, like so:


$BGID = (get-wmiobject -class sms_boundarygroup -Namespace root\sms\site_C12 -Filter "SiteSystemCount = '0'").GroupID


This will grab all of the boundary groups in WMI, that have a site system count of 0.

Then we can use the Remove-CMBoundaryGroup cmdlet within a function, to remove the



Function RemoveBoundaryGroups {


  Foreach ($BGID in $BGID)


    Remove-CMBoundaryGroup -ID "$BGID" -Force

    Write-Host Removing Boundary Group with ID number: $BGID



Here is a visual of my console, that shows I have two boundary groups with site systems defined:


Here is what things look like in WMI for my test lab, that shows I have 72 Boundary Groups:


The final results when the script is ran. As expected, 70 Boundary Groups were removed:





I've attached a sample script that will need to be edited to fit your environment.

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  • Anonymous
    October 17, 2014
    cool stuff