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Tech•Ed - Opalis IT Process Automation: Introduction & Technical Overview

For those of you who attended Tech•Ed Australia, will attend Tech•Ed New Zealand, or remember this from Tech•Ed North America, this post is all about the Tech•Ed Session named (or closely named) Opalis IT Process Automation: Introduction & Technical Overview.

The main reason for making this post is so that we can share the now famous Before and After Opalis Videos.

Of course, for some context, I have included the slide deck from Tech•Ed Australia, which oddly enough looks a lot like Tech•Ed New Zealand and Tech•Ed North America (with slight changes to the color palette and a sorely missed presenter).

On to the Videos, both Presented by: Mark Gosson, Evangelist - Solutions Architecture, Microsoft Corporation

Slide 10 - Manual Incident Management - “Before”

Slide 11 - Automated Incident Management - “After”

Please also see the attached PPT file: Opalis IT Process Automation Introduction & Technical Overview.pptx


Opalis IT Process Automation Introduction & Technical Overview.pptx