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Step-By-Step: Managing DNS Records In An Azure Managed Domain

The DNC MMC can be utilized when managing a local active directory instance should one required to manage the DNS records. Did you know that the same be done with an Azure managed domain? This post detail how to manage said DNS records using domain-joined azure VM.

The following prerequisites are required to get started:

1)    Azure Active Directory Domain Service (AAD-DS) managed domain Instance
2)    Domain Joined Virtual Server
3)    User account with member of AAD DC Administrators group

This demo will assume that the Azure managed domain instance is already setup.


The Virtual server used is running on Azure with windows server 2016 TP5 and is already jointed to the managed domain.

dnsad2 dnsad3

Lets start with the configuration RDP to the virtual server

1)    Log in to server with member account of AAD DC Administrators group dnsad4

2)    Open Server Manager > Add Roles and Features dnsad5

3)    In first screen of wizard click on next to proceed


4)    In next window keep the default and click next dnsad7

5)    In server selection keep it default and click next dnsad8

6)    In server roles keep default and click next dnsad9

7)    Under the features, go to Remote Server Administration Tools > Roles Administration Tools > DNS Server Tools. Then click next to proceed


8)    In next confirmation window click on install to install the tools


9)    Once it’s done go to server manager > tools > DNS dnsad12

10)    On first start it will prompt where to connect. In their select the option as below and then type the managed domain you have in place. Then click ok dnsad13

11)    It will open up the DNS mmc.


At this point, access to manage the required DNS records is provided. There are some DNS records which are related to the managed domain service so you will need to ensure that those records are not modified or deleted.