다음을 통해 공유

More Multithread capabilities: interthread synchronization, error checking

In a prior post: Create multiple threads from within your application, there is a sample Thread Class that can be used to create multiple threads that can execute VFP code.

Today’s sample presents code that demonstrates how a thread can send messages to another thread, such as “I’m almost done” or “Please abort what you’re doing”. Other inter-thread communication techniques can be used, such as placing work items into a shared table.

To construct today’s sample, save the code below to THREADS.PRG. It will be reused later in future samples. Much of the code is in the prior post as class ThreadClass, but with minor modifications.

The sample creates 3 threads: each thread is given the task of gathering file information from 3 different directories and placing it into a table.





As you can see, the ThreadManager class has made it even easier to create threads in VFP. Just pass the name of a function, a parameter to pass to that function, and any code to execute once the thread has finished executing. There is a call to BindEvent to bind the VFP window handle to the message WM_USER. When a thread is almost finished, it will use PostMessage to send a message to _screen.hWnd. I say “almost” because the thread must still be active to post a message. The main thread then figures out which thread is almost finished, waits for it to completely finish, then executes the user specified Done command. I had to modify the base class ThreadClass to store the Thread IDs because the API GetThreadId isn’t available on Windows XP (Only on Windows Server 2003 or Vista<sigh>.)

The code uses a Critical Section to synchronize thread access to a shared resource. It surrounds the creation of the file “FILES.DBF” with a critical section via SYS(2336). Try running the code without the CritSects and see what happens!

ThreadManager has a method SendMsgToStopThreads which uses CreateEvent to create a named event, which can be queried in the thread code which can then exit gracefully. Notice that all threads use the same named event, so setting it once will stop all threads.

The base class ThreadClass calls a method called GenCodeAtPoint, which does nothing but return an empty string. The ThreadClassEx subclass overrides that method and generates some code for error checking. If there is an error, it puts up a MessageBox.

Try running the code multiple times. Try with and without the SendMsgToStopThreads call after various time intervals, and including/excluding the DesiredDuration Sleep to make the thread take longer. Try making it take a long time and then start something in the VFP main window. I tried running Task Manager and a Query Wizard while the background threads were still going!

Be careful when modifying the code: it’s easy to create a race condition. For example, if the allocated memory gets freed (ThreadClass.Destroy) before the thread terminates, then Crash!.

In a near future post, I’ll show a web crawler that runs on a background thread.

oThreads=0 && just in case some threads still alive, fire destructor before anything else gets released



#define WAIT_TIMEOUT 258

#define WM_USER 0x400




CREATE TABLE ThreadLog (threadid i, timestamp t,misc c(80)) && A table into which each thread will insert results

USE ThreadLog && open shared

TEXT TO cstrVFPCode TEXTMERGE NOSHOW && generate the task to run: MyThreadFunc

      PROCEDURE MyThreadFunc(p2) && p2 is the 2nd param to MyDoCmd

            TRY && use exception handling

                  DECLARE integer GetCurrentThreadId in WIN32API

                  DECLARE integer PostMessage IN WIN32API integer hWnd, integer nMsg, integer wParam, integer lParam




                  PostMessage(hWnd, WM_USER, 0, GetCurrentThreadId()) && Tell main thread we're just about done!

            CATCH TO oex

                  INSERT INTO <<DBF()>> VALUES (GetCurrentThreadId(), DATETIME(),p2+" Error: "+oex.message+" "+oex.details+" "+TRANSFORM(oex.lineno))


DEFINE CLASS SearchDisk as Session


      PROCEDURE init(cPath)

            DECLARE integer CreateEvent IN WIN32API integer lpEventAttributes, integer bManualReset, integer bInitialState, string lpName

            DECLARE integer WaitForSingleObject IN WIN32API integer hHandle, integer dwMilliseconds

            DECLARE integer GetLastError IN WIN32API

            this.hAbortEvent = CreateEvent(0,0,0,"VFPAbortThreadEvent") && Get the existing event

            IF this.hAbortEvent = 0

                  THROW "Creating event error:"+TRANSFORM(GetLastError())


            DECLARE integer Sleep in WIN32API integer

            DECLARE integer CloseHandle IN WIN32API integer


            fUseCritSects=.t. && try with .f.

            IF fUseCritSects

                  SYS(2336,1) && Enter a critical section. First thread in wins


            IF !FILE("files.dbf")

                  IF !fUseCritSects

                        Sleep(1000) && give a chance for other threads to come in here!


                  CREATE TABLE files (path c(100), size n(10))


            USE files SHARED && reopen shared

            IF fUseCritSects

                  SYS(2336,2) && Exit the critical section


            cResult = TRANSFORM(this.RecurPath(cPath)) && search disk to gather files into table. Returns file count

            nDuration = SECONDS()-nStart

            nDesiredDuration=5 && # secs

            IF nDuration < nDesiredDuration && let's make the thread proc last longer: OS caches disk results

* Sleep((nDesiredDuration - nDuration)*1000)


            IF this.IsThreadAborted() && if main thread said to abort

                  cResult=cResult+ " Aborted"


            INSERT INTO <<DBF()>> VALUES (GetCurrentThreadId(), DATETIME(),TRANSFORM(cPath)+":"+cResult)

      PROCEDURE IsThreadAborted as Boolean

            IF WaitForSingleObject(this.hAbortEvent,0) = WAIT_TIMEOUT

                  RETURN .f.


            RETURN .t.

      PROCEDURE RecurPath(cPath as String) as Integer

            LOCAL n,i,aa[1],nRetval


            n = ADIR(aa,cPath+"*.*","D")

            FOR i = 1 TO n

                  IF "D"$aa[i,5] && if it's a dir

                        IF aa[i,1] != '.'

* nRetval=nRetval + this.RecurPath(cPath+aa[i,1]+"\") && be careful!



                        INSERT INTO files VALUES (cPath+aa[i,1], aa[i,2])


                        IF this.IsThreadAborted() && Did main thread request abort





            RETURN nRetval

      PROCEDURE Destroy





COMPILE MyThreadFunc.prg

ERASE files.dbf && reinit

?"Starting Threads",SECONDS()

PUBLIC nThreadsAlive && Track # of threads still around


PUBLIC oThreads





INKEY(.1) && idle a bit: lets see how many files we get, before we stop the threads


      oThreads.SendMsgToStopThreads() && might have already been released





PROCEDURE ThreadDone(nThread)


      IF nThreadsAlive=0 && If all threads done

            ACTIVATE screen && in case user activated a form

            ?"All threads done",SECONDS()

            nDatasession =SET("Datasession")

            SET DATASESSION TO 1

            SELECT ThreadLog

            FLOCK() && make sure we refresh results from other threads


            SELECT 0

            USE files

            ?TRANSFORM(RECCOUNT())+" files found "

            SET DATASESSION TO (nDataSession)

            RELEASE oThreads



#define CREATE_SUSPENDED 0x00000004


#define WAIT_TIMEOUT 258




#define VT_BSTR 8

DEFINE CLASS ThreadClass as session

      hProcHeap =0


      DIMENSION hThreads[1] && Handle to each thread

      DIMENSION hThreadIds[1] && ID for each thread

      cThreadHandles="" && Handle to each thread as a string rep of an int array

      PROCEDURE Init

            DECLARE integer LoadLibrary IN WIN32API string

            DECLARE integer FreeLibrary IN WIN32API integer

            DECLARE integer GetProcAddress IN WIN32API integer hModule, string procname

            DECLARE integer CreateThread IN WIN32API integer lpThreadAttributes, ;

                  integer dwStackSize, integer lpStartAddress, integer lpParameter, integer dwCreationFlags, integer @ lpThreadId

            DECLARE integer ResumeThread IN WIN32API integer thrdHandle

            DECLARE integer CloseHandle IN WIN32API integer Handle

            DECLARE integer GetProcessHeap IN WIN32API

            DECLARE integer HeapAlloc IN WIN32API integer hHeap, integer dwFlags, integer dwBytes

            DECLARE integer HeapFree IN WIN32API integer hHeap, integer dwFlags, integer lpMem

            DECLARE integer WaitForSingleObject IN WIN32API integer hHandle, integer dwMilliseconds

            DECLARE integer WaitForMultipleObjects IN WIN32API integer nCount, string pHandles, integer bWaitAll, integer dwMsecs

            DECLARE integer CLSIDFromProgID IN ole32 string lpszProgID, string @ strClSID

            DECLARE integer CLSIDFromString IN ole32 string lpszProgID, string @ strClSID

            DECLARE integer SysAllocString IN oleaut32 string wstr

            DECLARE integer SysFreeString IN oleaut32 integer bstr

            CREATE CURSOR memAllocs (memPtr i, AllocType c(1)) && track mem allocs that need to be freed: H=Heap,B=BSTR,L=Library

            this.hProcHeap = GetProcessHeap()

      PROCEDURE StartThreads(nThreads as Integer, ThreadCmd as String, ThreadProcParam as String,cStrIid as String )

            this.nThreads = nThreads


            IF CLSIDFromProgID(STRCONV("t1.c1"+CHR(0),5),@cClsId)!= 0 && dual interface

                  ?"Error: class not found"





            nLocals = 30 && sufficiently large for local vars

            sCode="" && generate machine code for thread procedure into a string

* sCode = sCode + CHR(0xcc) && int 3 DebugBreak() to attach a debugger

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x55) && push ebp

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0xec) && mov ebp, esp

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x81) + CHR(0xec)+BINTOC(nLocals * 4, "4rs") && sub esp, nLocals

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x6a) + CHR(0x00) && push 0

            sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("CoInitialize", "ole32")


            sCode = sCode + this.GenCodeAtPoint("BeforeStart")

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xf0) && lea eax, [ebp-10h] && addr to put COM ptr

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(cIid),"4rs") && mov eax, str

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER+CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER,"4rs") && mov eax, val

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x6a) + CHR(0x00) && push 0

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(cClsId),"4rs") && mov eax, str

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("CoCreateInstance", "ole32")

            sCode = sCode + this.GenCodeAtPoint("AfterCreating")

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xe0) && lea eax, [ebp-20h] && local var to get the vtResult of the COM call

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("VariantInit", "oleaut32") && Initialize the vtResult

            *call MyDoCmd via early binding. First push the parms

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xe0) && lea eax, [ebp-20h] && pass the address of vtResult for return value

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            *Now we need to push 3 empty variants, each of which is 4 DWORDS

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x33) + CHR(0xc0) && xor eax,eax

            sCode = sCode + REPLICATE(CHR(0x50),12) && push eax12 times


            *2nd param is P2:

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x33) + CHR(0xc0) && xor eax,eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0x8) && mov eax,[ebp+8] && Form the P2 param as a Variant from the BSTR arg from the parent thread

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x33) + CHR(0xc0) && xor eax,eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(VT_BSTR,"4rs") && mov eax, VT_BSTR

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax


            *1st param is the expr for VFP to Exec.

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8)+BINTOC(this.MakeStr(ThreadCmd,.t.,.t.),"4rs") && mov eax, cExpr (p2 is 2nd param to MyDoCmd)

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            *Now make the call

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xf0) && mov eax, [ebp-10h] && the COM ptr

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax]&& et the vTable

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x1c) && call [eax+1ch] && call indirect the function at 1ch in the vTable

            sCode = sCode + this.GenCodeAtPoint("AfterCalling")

            *Free the return value with VariantClear because it's ignored

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xe0) && lea eax, [ebp-20h]

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("VariantClear", "oleaut32")

            sCode = sCode + this.GenEndCode(.t.)

            AdrCode=this.memAlloc(LEN(sCode),sCode) && allocate memory for the code

            DIMENSION this.hThreads[nThreads]


            FOR i = 1 TO nThreads



                  this.hThreads[i] = CreateThread(0,8192, AdrCode, bstrArg, CREATE_SUSPENDED, @dwThreadId) && create suspended


                  this.cThreadHandles = this.cThreadHandles+BINTOC(this.hThreads[i],"4rs") && put the handles into a string rep of an int array

                  ResumeThread(this.hThreads[i]) && now start thread once all data is stored so no race condition


      PROCEDURE GenCodeAtPoint(nPoint as String) as String && derived classes can override to gen code to exec at various points

            RETURN ""

      PROCEDURE GenEndCode(fRelease as Boolean) as String && generate code to end thread

            LOCAL sCode


            IF fRelease && do we also release COM obj?


                  sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xf0) && mov eax, [ebp-10h]

                  sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax && push the THIS ptr

                  sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax]&& get the vTable

                  sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x8) && call [eax+8h]



            sCode = sCode + this.GenCodeAtPoint("BeforeEnd")

            sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("CoUninitialize", "ole32")

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x33) + CHR(0xc0) && xor eax,eax && make ExitCodeThread= 0

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0xe5) && mov esp, ebp

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x5d) && pop ebp

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0xc2)+CHR(0x04)+CHR(0x00) && ret 4

            RETURN sCode

      PROCEDURE WaitForThreads(cExpr as String)

            DO WHILE WaitForMultipleObjects(this.nThreads, this.cThreadHandles, 1, 500) = WAIT_TIMEOUT && wait msecs for the threads to finish

                  &cExpr && execute any passed in param while waiting


      PROCEDURE MemAlloc(nSize as Integer, cStr as String) as Integer

            LOCAL nAddr

            nAddr = HeapAlloc(this.hProcHeap, 0, nSize) && allocate memory

            ASSERT nAddr != 0 MESSAGE "Out of memory"

            INSERT INTO memAllocs VALUES (nAddr,"H") && track them for freeing later

            SYS(2600,nAddr, LEN(cStr),cStr) && copy the string into the mem

            RETURN nAddr

      PROCEDURE CallDllFunction(strExport as String, strDllName as String) as String

            *Create a string of machine code that calls a function in a DLL. Parms should already be pushed

            LOCAL nAddr as Integer, hModule as Integer

            hModule = LoadLibrary(strDllName)

            INSERT INTO memAllocs VALUES (hModule,"L") && track loads for freeing later


            ASSERT nAddr != 0 MESSAGE "Error: Export not found "+ strExport+" "+ strDllName

            RETURN CHR(0xb8)+BINTOC(nAddr,"4rs") + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0xd0) && mov eax, addr; call eax

      PROCEDURE MakeStr(str as String, fConvertToUnicode as Logical, fMakeBstr as Logical) as Integer

            * converts a string into a memory allocation and returns a pointer

            LOCAL nRetval as Integer

            IF fConvertToUnicode



                  str = str + CHR(0) && null terminate


            IF fMakeBstr

                  nRetval= SysAllocString(str)

                  ASSERT nRetval != 0 MESSAGE "Out of memory"

                  INSERT INTO memAllocs VALUES (nRetval,"B") && track them for freeing later


                  nRetval= this.MemAlloc(LEN(str),str)


            RETURN nRetval

      PROCEDURE Destroy

            LOCAL i


            SELECT memAllocs


                  DO CASE

                  CASE AllocType="B" && BSTR


                  CASE AllocType="H" && Heap


                  CASE AllocType="L" && LoadLibrary




            FOR i = 1 TO this.nThreads




DEFINE CLASS ThreadClassEx as ThreadClass

      cDoneCmd =""

      PROCEDURE GenCodeAtPoint(sPoint as String) as String

            LOCAL sCode,nPatch


            DO CASE

            CASE sPoint = "BeforeStart"

* sCode = sCode + CHR(0x6a) + CHR(0x00) && push 0

* sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("MessageBeep", "user32") && MessageBeep(0)

            CASE sPoint = "BeforeEnd"

* sCode = sCode + this.GenMessageBox("BeforeThreadEnd","Thread Proc")

            CASE sPoint = "AfterCreating"

* sCode = sCode + CHR(0xcc) && int 3 DebugBreak() to attach a debugger

                  sCode = sCode + CHR(0x83) + CHR(0xf8) + CHR(0x00) && cmp eax, 0 && check return value

                  sCode = sCode + CHR(0x74)+CHR(0x00) && je nBytes && nBytes calc'd below. je= Jump if Equal

                  nPatch = LEN(sCode) && track the byte that needs patching

                  sCode = sCode + this.GenMessageBox("Error "+sPoint+" COM object","Thread Proc")

                  sCode = sCode + this.GenEndCode(.f.) && generate end thread code, without release

                  sCode=LEFT(sCode,nPatch-1) + CHR(LEN(sCode)-nPatch)+ SUBSTR(sCode,nPatch+1) && now fix up the jump location to jump around GenEndcode

            CASE sPoint = "AfterCalling"

* sCode = sCode + CHR(0xcc) && int 3 DebugBreak() to attach a debugger

                  sCode = sCode + CHR(0x83) + CHR(0xf8) + CHR(0x00) && cmp eax, 0 && check return value

                  sCode = sCode + CHR(0x74)+CHR(0x00) && je nBytes && nBytes calc'd below. je= Jump if Equal

                  nPatch = LEN(sCode) && track the byte that needs patching

                  sCode = sCode + this.GenMessageBox("Error "+sPoint+" COM object","Thread Proc")

                  sCode = sCode + this.GenEndCode(.t.) && generate end thread code, with release

                  sCode=LEFT(sCode,nPatch-1) + CHR(LEN(sCode)-nPatch)+ SUBSTR(sCode,nPatch+1) && now fix up the jump location to jump around GenEndcode


                  ASSERT .f. MESSAGE "Unknown GenCodeCase "+sPoint


      RETURN sCode

      PROCEDURE GenMessageBox(strMessage as String, strCaption as String) as String

            LOCAL sCode

            * MessageBox: call the Unicode (Wide char) version

            sCode = CHR(0x6a) + CHR(0x00) && push 0

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8)+BINTOC(this.MakeStr(strCaption,.t.),"4rs") && mov eax, str

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8)+BINTOC(this.MakeStr(strMessage,.t.),"4rs") && mov eax, str

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

            sCode = sCode + CHR(0x6a) + CHR(0x00) && push 0

            sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("MessageBoxW", "user32")

      RETURN sCode


DEFINE CLASS ThreadManager AS Session

      nThreads = 0



      DIMENSION aoThread[1]

      PROCEDURE init

            DECLARE integer CreateEvent IN WIN32API integer lpEventAttributes, integer bManualReset, integer bInitialState, string lpName

            DECLARE integer GetLastError IN WIN32API

            DECLARE integer SetEvent IN WIN32API integer

            DECLARE integer ResetEvent IN WIN32API integer

            DECLARE integer Sleep in WIN32API integer

            this.hAbortEvent = CreateEvent(0,1,0,"VFPAbortThreadEvent")

            IF this.hAbortEvent = 0

                  ?"Creating event error:",GetLastError()


                  IF GetLastError()=ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS




      PROCEDURE CreateThread(ThreadProc as String, ThreadProcParam as String,cDoneCmd as string)

            IF VARTYPE(ThreadProc)='C' && with parms on constructor, create a single thread per class instance

      DIMENSION this.aoThread[this.nThreads+1]



                  cStrIid="{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" && IID_IDispatch

                  IF VARTYPE(cDoneCmd)='C' && user specified a cmd to exec after thread done

                        oThread.cDoneCmd = cDoneCmd

                        BINDEVENT(_screen.HWnd, WM_USER, this,"ThreadAlmostFinishedEvent")


                  oThread.StartThreads(1, "do "+SYS(5)+CURDIR()+ThreadProc+" WITH p2",TRANSFORM(_screen.hWnd)+","+ThreadProcParam,cStrIid)


                  this.nThreads = this.nThreads+1 && increment as last step after threads created


      PROCEDURE SendMsgToStopThreads


      PROCEDURE ThreadAlmostFinishedEvent(hWnd as Integer, Msg as Integer, wParam as Integer, lParam as Integer)

            LOCAL i,hThread

            FOR i = 1 TO this.nThreads && Which thread is almost finished?

                  IF TYPE("this.aoThread[i]")='O' AND lParam = this.aoThread[i].hThreadIds[1]

                        hThread = this.aoThread[i].hThreads[1]

                        cDoneCmd =this.aoThread[i].cDoneCmd




            DO WHILE WaitForSingleObject(hThread,0)=WAIT_TIMEOUT && wait til it's totally done



            this.aoThread[i]=0 && release the thread object

            &cDoneCmd && Execute caller's done command


      PROCEDURE destroy

            *Danger: don't release threads if still alive! Watch out for race condition waiting for them to finish

            DO WHILE this.nLiveThreads>0

                  ?"Waiting for threads in destroy"




            IF this.hAbortEvent>0





  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2006
    I've got it working pretty smoothly now with MsgWaitforMultipleObjects.  The main VFP thread stays totally responsive.  The only problem now is that the CreateMessage does not work on Windows 2000 Server for some reason. Any ideas???

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006
    Way cool!  Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006
    Tracy, did you create T1 and compile as an mtdll.  It sounds like your T1 vfp mtdll is not there...

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006
    That was my problem. Thanks Claude

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006
    SednaY: I don't see CreateMessage anywhere in the code. Do you mean CreateEvent? or PostMessage? I also don't see MsgWaitForMultipleObjects anywhere.
    Are you able to run the code with no changes? the main thread is free to do other things like start the Task Pane in this sample.

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006
    Sorry for not being a little clearer.  I meant CreateThread, not CreateMessage.  It's working on XP Pro but the same code is not working on Win2k Server.
    Yes, I got it working.  As a possible improvement, you could use MsgWaitForMultipleObjects instead of WaitForMultipleObjects - that leaves the main VFP thread responsive.

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006
    SednaY: it works fine for me unmodified in Win2003 server. What are the symptoms of failure on Win2k Server? Can you get the simplest example working? (the one from http://blogs.msdn.com/calvin_hsia/archive/2006/05/11/595562.aspx)

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006
    I started from scratch and both examples do work on Win2K server.  Looks like I messed up the code I was originally experimenting with.  Thanks  

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2006
    Today’s sample shows how to create a web crawler in the background. This crawler starts with a web page,...

  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2006
    Hi, I've just come across your code.  This will be really useful and I'm already planning to implement it.

    However, I was looking at the code, and can't quite work out what the purpose of the nThreads parameter in the StartThreads on the Thread Class is.  It looks like it is always 1.
    was this just some legacy code?

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2007
    I has a problem when I try to run example code, Do you have a source code files and how I can download it, Thanks advances. yothinin@sombattour.com

  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2007
    Hi Calvin: Is there any way to pass an object reference to the thread insted of a string? Amazing work, thank you very much!

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2007
    Hi Calvin: Just to say that I've solved the problem with the callback without passing an object reference, using File Mappings, Postmessage and Bindings. My derivative work based on yours is here: http://www.portalfox.com/articulos/archivos/bozzo/Test_Threads.zip Regards!

  • Anonymous
    July 05, 2007
    Hi Calvin. I wonder if you can help me with this... I'm using WinXPSP2+VFP9SP1. I've built the dll (t1), registered it, executed the above code in IDE, and after ResumeThread it pops up the message 'Error AfterCalling COM object'. Any advice? Did I do something wrong? I couldn't figure out much upon debugging. Please help... :(

  • Anonymous
    September 27, 2007
    A customer asks: I read your article "Intentionally crash your program". I have some questions that I

  • Anonymous
    April 17, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 17, 2008
    It works, but it beats me why i haven't changed anything :| Anyway, i've created a new function and started a new thread on it .. i've copied the code that semed relevant in SearchDisk' s methods and this is what i've come up with: ! Function msg_date(p1) Lparameters p2 Declare Integer GetCurrentThreadId In WIN32API Declare Integer PostMessage In WIN32API Integer HWnd, Integer nMsg, Integer wParam, Integer Lparam Declare Integer CreateEvent In WIN32API Integer lpEventAttributes, Integer bManualReset, Integer bInitialState, String lpName Declare Integer WaitForSingleObject In WIN32API Integer hHandle, Integer dwMilliseconds Declare Integer GetLastError In WIN32API Declare Integer Sleep In WIN32API Integer Declare Integer CloseHandle In WIN32API Integer hAbortEvent = CreateEvent(0,0,0,"VFPAbortThreadEvent") && Get the existing event HWnd = Int(Val(p2)) *- pre thread Try   && use exception handling If hAbortEvent = 0 Throw "Creating event error:"+Transform(GetLastError()) Endif cText=Substr(p2,At(",",p2)+1) Messagebox(Transform(Date())+" "+cText) Insert Into ThreadLog Values (GetCurrentThreadId(), Datetime(),p2) Catch To oex Insert Into ThreadLog Values (GetCurrentThreadId(), Datetime(),p2+" Error: "+oex.Message+" "+oex.Details+" "+Transform(oex.Lineno)) Finally Insert Into ThreadLog Values (GetCurrentThreadId(), Datetime(),"finally section") Endtry Insert Into ThreadLog Values (GetCurrentThreadId(), Datetime(),"after try / endtry") *- post thread CloseHandle(hAbortEvent) PostMessage(HWnd, WM_USER, 0, GetCurrentThreadId())   && Tell main thread we're just about done! It gives an error as expected (UI elements noy alowed) but the thread terminates and doesn't decrement oTrhreads.nLiveThreads, so vfp hangs. Do you have any ideeas why? And please tell me, can i use this to run a prg included in the exe file instead of a generated one? I'm trying to create a routine that retrives new data from a SQL Server at specified intervals and have it run on a separate thread and the routine could be in a class or in prg included in the exe.

  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2008
    I received a question: Simply, is there a way of interrupting a vfp sql query once it has started short

  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2009
    PingBack from http://www.hilpers-esp.com/666919-hacer-una-aplicacion-multi-hilo

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2009
    PingBack from http://www.hilpers.com/1068350-echtes-multitasking-in-form/2

  • Anonymous
    January 20, 2009
    PingBack from http://www.hilpers-esp.com/324759-proximamente-en-portalfox-multithreading-en

  • Anonymous
    May 18, 2009
    PingBack from http://blog.todmeansfox.com/2009/05/18/etl-subsystem-31-paralleling-and-pipelining/

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2009
    PingBack from http://firepitidea.info/story.php?id=497