다음을 통해 공유

How does EventHandler work? IConnectionPoint!

The EventHandler function allows you to connect some code to an object’s event interface. For example, Word allows you to run code when the user changes the Selected text in a document. An ADODB Recordset will fire events, such as WillMove and MoveComplete when moving from record to record.

The EventHandler function takes 2 objects as parameters: the event source, like Word or a RecordSet, and the event sink, like the code you’d like to run. Your event sink code must Implement an interface defined by the source.

EventHandler then does some handshaking between the two to get the events working.

  • It queries the Source for IConnectionPointContainer,
  • then uses that to call EnumConnectionPoints to enumerate the connection points.
  • The sink object is queried for the interface of each found connection point to see if it’s implemented.
  • If found, then the IConnectionPoint->Advise method is called to start the event handling.

The sample below creates an ADODB Recordset and makes a few calls to MoveNext, with and without an event sink attached. You can change the event sink connection to be the VFP native EventHandler function, or you can use the generated machine code to show how it works. Both ways return the same results.

Here are a couple issues:

  • We need a COM interface to the Event Sink (“myclass”) , which is not a COM object. We get that from the _VFP.Objects collection, which is using COM

  • We need a way to call generated machine code. I used the EnumChildWindows function, which is relatively painless. I just pass it the address of the code to execute as the EnumChildWindowProc, which returns False, so that it’s only called once.

  • The code has a lot of conditional jumps and some error checking. The jumping needs to be resolved in a 2 pass assembler. That’s what the Jump table does. It records the definitions and references of labels, then after the code is generated, the table is scanned for jump address fixups. Most assemblers use two passes.

  • The sample code is a little different from the native VFP EventHandler function: it doesn’t enumerate all the connection points, but rather does a FindConnectionPoint for the particular RecordSetEvents interface.

You can modify the sample to bind events in other scenarios. For example, I’ve found some objects may not work properly with EnumConnectionPoints, but work only with FindConnectionPoint. Other people have reported that the object may not have a Source interface, but do implement IConnectionPointContainer on other interfaces.

For example, oleview and navigate to Microsoft Word 11.0 Object library and dbl-click. Navigate to CoClass, CoClass Application

coclass Application {

    [default] interface _Application;

    [source] dispinterface ApplicationEvents;

    [source] dispinterface ApplicationEvents2;

    [source] dispinterface ApplicationEvents3;

    [default, source] dispinterface ApplicationEvents4;


The Word typelibrary shows that the Application interface sources some event interfaces.

If you look at c:\windows\system32\msfeeds.dll (which comes from installing IE7 beta 2) via OleView, there are no Source interfaces. However, you can call the GetWatcher method (the 24th vTable entry (offset 0x60)) of the IFeedFolder object to get a ConnectionPointContainer object.

As an exercise to the reader (Craig: this means you!), modify the sample code to connect events for RSSFeeds.

See also:

Binding to Internet Explorer Instances

Binding to Internet Explorer events: bug in Typelibrary

For a full sample of generating machine code on a background thread, see Webcrawl a blog to retrieve all entries locally: RSS on steroids



LOCAL oEvents

LOCAL oRS AS adodb.recordset

LOCAL oConn AS adodb.Connection


oEvents = NEWOBJECT("MyClass")

oConn = NEWOBJECT("adodb.connection")

oConn.Open("Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source="+HOME(2)+"northwind")

oRS = oConn.Execute("select * from customers")

fUseMyHandler=.t. && change this to use the custom handler below or the native VFP handler

IF fUseMyHandler


oEventEx.EVENTHANDLER(oRS, oEvents)





? PADR(oRS.Fields(0).Value,20)

IF fUseMyHandler

oEventEx.EVENTHANDLER(oRS, oEvents,.t.) && unbind


? EVENTHANDLER (oRS, oEvents, .T.)



? PADR(oRS.Fields(0).Value,20)


? PADR(oRS.Fields(0).Value,20)


DEFINE CLASS EventHandlerEx as Custom

hProcHeap =0

dwCookie=0 && IConnectionPoint->Advise cookie


hr=0 && HResult

cError=0 && addr of error


DECLARE integer LoadLibrary IN WIN32API string

DECLARE integer FreeLibrary IN WIN32API integer

DECLARE integer GetProcAddress IN WIN32API integer hModule, string procname

DECLARE integer GetProcessHeap IN WIN32API

DECLARE integer HeapAlloc IN WIN32API integer hHeap, integer dwFlags, integer dwBytes

DECLARE integer HeapFree IN WIN32API integer hHeap, integer dwFlags, integer lpMem

DECLARE integer CLSIDFromString IN ole32 string lpszProgID, string @ strClSID

DECLARE integer SysAllocString IN oleaut32 string wstr

DECLARE integer SysFreeString IN oleaut32 integer bstr

DECLARE integer EnumChildWindows IN WIN32API integer hWnd, integer lpEnumProc, integer lParam

CREATE CURSOR memAllocs (memPtr i, AllocType c(1)) && track mem allocs that need to be freed: H=Heap,B=BSTR,L=Library

this.hProcHeap = GetProcessHeap()

PROCEDURE EVENTHANDLER(oSrc as Object, oSink as Object,fUnbind as Boolean)

CREATE table jumps (cLabel c(20),cFlag c(1),sCodePos i) && cFlag="D" defined, "R", reference

INDEX on cLabel+cFlag TAG cLabel

this.hr=this.MakeStr(REPLICATE(CHR(0),4)) && allocate space for HResult

this.cError=this.MakeStr(REPLICATE(CHR(0),4)) && Allocate space for error string



sCode = sCode + CHR(0x55) && push ebp

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0xec) && mov ebp, esp

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x81) + CHR(0xec)+BINTOC(nLocals * 4, "4rs") && sub esp, nLocals

* sCode = sCode + CHR(0xcc) && int 3 DebugBreak() to attach a debugger

*sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + CHR(5)+CHR(0x40)+CHR(0)+CHR(0x80) && mov eax, 0x80004005 && pretend error msg to test err handling

*!* sCode = sCode + CHR(0x6a) + CHR(0x00) && push 0

*!* sCode = sCode + this.CallDllFunction("MessageBeep", "user32") && MessageBeep(0)

*hr = oSrc->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer,&pcpc) //First QI the oSrc for IConnectionPointContainer

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xf0) && lea eax, [ebp-10h] && addr to put pConnectionPointContainer

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax


CLSIDFromString(STRCONV("{B196B284-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}"+CHR(0),5),@cIid) && IID_IConnectionPointContainer

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(cIid),"4rs") && mov eax, str

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(SYS(3095,oSrc),"4rs") && mov eax, oSrc: the IDispatch for oSrc for THIS pointer

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax] && get the vTable

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x00) && call [eax+0h] && call indirect the function at 0h in the vTable, which is QI

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x83) + CHR(0xf8) + CHR(0x00) && cmp eax, 0 && if hr = SUCCESS

* jne FailedQICPC

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x75)+CHR(0x00) && jne nBytes && nBytes calc'd below. je= 0x74, Jump if Equal, jne = 0x75

INSERT INTO jumps values ("FailedQICPC","R",LEN(sCode)) && refer to a label to jump to at this pos

*hr= pcpc->FindConnectionPoint( IID_IRecordSet,&pcp) // get the pConnectionPoint

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xec) && lea eax, [ebp-14h] && addr to put pcp COM ptr

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

CLSIDFromString(STRCONV("{00000266-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}"+CHR(0),5),@cIid) && IID for RecordSetEvents

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(cIid),"4rs") && mov eax, str

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xf0) && mov eax, [ebp-10h] ; pCPC

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax && push the THIS ptr

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax] && get the vTable

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x10) && call [eax+4*4h] FindConnectionPoint is 4th entry in vtable

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x83) + CHR(0xf8) + CHR(0x00) && cmp eax, 0 && if hr = SUCCESS

* jne FailedFindCPC

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x75)+CHR(0x00) && jne nBytes && nBytes calc'd below. je= 0x74, Jump if Equal, jne = 0x75

INSERT INTO jumps values ("FailedFindCPC","R",LEN(sCode)) && refer to a label to jump to at this pos

*now QI the fox object for the sink interface

*hr = oSrc->QueryInterface(IID_RecordSetEvents,&pRSEvents)

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x45)+CHR(0xe8) && lea eax, [ebp-18h] && addr to put pRSEvents COM ptr

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(cIid),"4rs") && mov eax, str

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

*We must get the IDispatch COM interface for the VFP obj



FOR i = 1 TO _vfp.Objects.count



fGotit=LOWER(this.oComVFP.name) ="myclass"



IF fGotit





sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(SYS(3095,this.oComVFP),"4rs") && mov eax, oSink: the THIS pointer

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax] && get the vTable

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x00) && call [eax+0h] && call indirect the function at 0h in the vTable, which is QI

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x83) + CHR(0xf8) + CHR(0x00) && cmp eax, 0 && if hr = SUCCESS

* jne FailedSinkIntface

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x75)+CHR(0x00) && jne nBytes && nBytes calc'd below. je= 0x74, Jump if Equal, jne = 0x75

INSERT INTO jumps values ("FailedSinkIntface","R",LEN(sCode)) && refer to a label to jump to at this pos

*hr = pcp->Advise(pSink, &dwCookie) && Advise if 5th entry in vtable

IF NOT fUnbind

dwCookieAddr=this.MakeStr(REPLICATE(CHR(0),4)) && place to put the cookie as a string

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8d) + CHR(0x05) + BINTOC(dwCookieAddr,"4rs") && lea eax,dwCookieAddr ;addr to put dwCookie

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xe8) && mov eax, [ebp-18h] && the oSink

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xec) && mov eax, [ebp-14h] ; pcp

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax && push the THIS ptr

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax] && get the vTable

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x14) && call [eax+ 5*4h] && advise is 5th entry in vtable

ELSE && we're unbinding

*hr = pcp->UnAdvise(dwCookie)

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.dwCookie,"4rs") && mov eax, dwCookieAddr

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xec) && mov eax, [ebp-14h] ;pcp

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax && push the THIS ptr

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax] && get the vTable

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x18) && call [eax+ 6*4h] && unadvise is 6th entry in vtable


sCode = sCode + CHR(0x83) + CHR(0xf8) + CHR(0x00) && cmp eax, 0 && if hr != SUCCESS

* je GotAdviseUnadvise ; now we jump if we succeed

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x74)+CHR(0x00) && je nBytes && nBytes calc'd below. je= 0x74, Jump if Equal, jne = 0x75

INSERT INTO jumps values ("GotAdviseUnadvise","R",LEN(sCode)) && refer to a label to jump to at this pos

*now save hr and gen err message

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xa3) + BINTOC(this.hr,"4rs") && mov this.hr,eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(jumps.cLabel),"4rs") && mov eax, str

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xa3) + BINTOC(this.cError,"4rs") && mov this.cError,eax

INSERT INTO jumps values ("GotAdviseUnadvise","D",LEN(sCode)) && define a label at this pos

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xEb) + CHR(0) && jmp around else clause

INSERT INTO jumps values ("GotSinkIntface","R",LEN(sCode)) && refer to a label to jump to at this pos

*else { // FailedSinkIntface

INSERT INTO jumps values ("FailedSinkIntface","D",LEN(sCode)) && define a label at this pos

*now save hr and gen err message

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xa3) + BINTOC(this.hr,"4rs") && mov this.hr,eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(jumps.cLabel),"4rs") && mov eax, str

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xa3) + BINTOC(this.cError,"4rs") && mov this.cError,eax


INSERT INTO jumps values ("GotSinkIntface","D",LEN(sCode)) && define a label at this pos


sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xec) && mov eax, [ebp-14h]

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax && push the THIS ptr

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax] && get the vTable

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x8) && call [eax+8h]

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xEb) + CHR(0) && jmp around else clause

INSERT INTO jumps values ("GotFindCPC","R",LEN(sCode)) && refer to a label to jump to at this pos

*else { // FailedFindCPC

INSERT INTO jumps values ("FailedFindCPC","D",LEN(sCode)) && define a label at this pos

*now save hr and gen err message

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xa3) + BINTOC(this.hr,"4rs") && mov this.hr,eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(jumps.cLabel),"4rs") && mov eax, str

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xa3) + BINTOC(this.cError,"4rs") && mov this.cError,eax


INSERT INTO jumps values ("GotFindCPC","D",LEN(sCode)) && define a label at this pos


sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0x45) + CHR(0xf0) && mov eax, [ebp-10h]

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x50) && push eax && push the THIS ptr

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0) && mov eax, [eax] && get the vTable

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0x50) + CHR(0x8) && call [eax+8h]

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xEb) + CHR(0) && jmp around else clause

INSERT INTO jumps values ("GotQICPC","R",LEN(sCode)) && refer to a label to jump to at this pos

*else { //FailedQICPC

INSERT INTO jumps values ("FailedQICPC","D",LEN(sCode)) && define a label at this pos

*now save hr and gen err message

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xa3) + BINTOC(this.hr,"4rs") && mov this.hr,eax

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xb8) + BINTOC(this.MakeStr(jumps.cLabel),"4rs") && mov eax, str

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xa3) + BINTOC(this.cError,"4rs") && mov this.cError,eax


INSERT INTO jumps values ("GotQICPC","D",LEN(sCode)) && define a label at this pos

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x33) + CHR(0xc0) && xor eax,eax && make return value 0 so won't enum any more windows

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x8b) + CHR(0xe5) && mov esp, ebp

sCode = sCode + CHR(0x5d) && pop ebp

sCode = sCode + CHR(0xc2)+CHR(0x08)+CHR(0x00) && ret 8 && EnumChildProc has 2 parms: pop 2 args=8 bytes

USE jumps AGAIN IN 0 ORDER 1 ALIAS jumpdefs

SCAN FOR cFlag="R" && look for all references


sCode=LEFT(sCode,jumps.sCodePos-1)+CHR(jumpdefs.sCodePos - jumps.sCodePos) + SUBSTR(sCode,jumps.sCodePos+1) && now fix up the jump location to jump to the definition


AdrCode=this.memAlloc(LEN(sCode),sCode) && allocate memory for the code

EnumChildWindows(_screen.HWnd,AdrCode,0) && EnumChildWindows needs a callback function. We'll give it our code.Added benefit: Win32 Exception handling of Declare dll

IF NOT fUnBind



IF CTOBIN(SYS(2600,this.cError,4),"4rs")!=0

?"Error Location=",SYS(2600,CTOBIN(SYS(2600,this.cError,4),"4rs"),20),TRANSFORM(CTOBIN(SYS(2600,this.hr,4),"4rs"),"@0x")


USE IN jumpdefs

USE IN jumps

PROCEDURE MemAlloc(nSize as Integer, cStr as String) as Integer


nAddr = HeapAlloc(this.hProcHeap, 0, nSize) && allocate memory

ASSERT nAddr != 0 MESSAGE "Out of memory"

INSERT INTO memAllocs VALUES (nAddr,"H") && track them for freeing later

SYS(2600,nAddr, LEN(cStr),cStr) && copy the string into the mem


PROCEDURE CallDllFunction(strExport as String, strDllName as String) as String

*Create a string of machine code that calls a function in a DLL. Parms should already be pushed

LOCAL nAddr as Integer, hModule as Integer

hModule = LoadLibrary(strDllName)

INSERT INTO memAllocs VALUES (hModule,"L") && track loads for freeing later


ASSERT nAddr != 0 MESSAGE "Error: Export not found "+ strExport+" "+ strDllName

RETURN CHR(0xb8)+BINTOC(nAddr,"4rs") + CHR(0xff) + CHR(0xd0) && mov eax, addr; call eax

PROCEDURE MakeStr(str as String, fConvertToUnicode as Logical, fMakeBstr as Logical) as Integer

* converts a string into a memory allocation and returns a pointer

LOCAL nRetval as Integer

IF fConvertToUnicode



str = str + CHR(0) && null terminate


IF fMakeBstr

nRetval= SysAllocString(str)

ASSERT nRetval != 0 MESSAGE "Out of memory"

INSERT INTO memAllocs VALUES (nRetval,"B") && track them for freeing later


nRetval= this.MemAlloc(LEN(str),str)


RETURN nRetval



SELECT memAllocs



CASE AllocType="B" && BSTR


CASE AllocType="H" && Heap


CASE AllocType="L" && LoadLibrary





DEFINE CLASS myclass AS custom

* IMPLEMENTS RecordsetEvents IN "c:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ado\msado15.dll"

IMPLEMENTS RecordsetEvents IN "adodb.recordset"

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_WillChangeField(cFields AS Number @, Fields AS VARIANT @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_FieldChangeComplete(cFields AS Number @, Fields AS VARIANT @, pError AS VARIANT @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_WillChangeRecord(adReason AS VARIANT @, cRecords AS Number @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_RecordChangeComplete(adReason AS VARIANT @, cRecords AS Number @, pError AS VARIANT @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_WillChangeRecordset(adReason AS VARIANT @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())


PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_RecordsetChangeComplete(adReason AS VARIANT @, pError AS VARIANT @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_WillMove(adReason AS VARIANT @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_MoveComplete(adReason AS VARIANT @, pError AS VARIANT @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_EndOfRecordset(fMoreData AS LOGICAL @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_FetchProgress(Progress AS Number @, MaxProgress AS Number @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())

PROCEDURE Recordsetevents_FetchComplete(pError AS VARIANT @, adStatus AS VARIANT @, pRecordset AS VARIANT @) AS VARIANT

? " "+program() + ' ' + TRANSFORM(DATETIME())


*edited to add Craig's suggestion


  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2006
    Thanks to this code IFeedEvents and IFeedFolderEvents (part of the RSS Platform) now work in VFP. To make the EventHandler method slightly more generic I used...

    THIS.oCOMVFP = _vfp.Objects(oSink.Name)

    ...instead of that FOR loop thru _vfp.Objects.

    Also, I added an IID property to the oSink object so oSink.IID could be used in place of the hard coded events IID.

    It works really good. This is great stuff (Calvin: this means you!).

  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2006
    Hi Craig,
    Glad you got it working so quickly!
    Yes, using the name as the Objects parameter simplifies the code. Replace the IsNull code with

  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2006

    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your constant efforts and support, but I have some suggestions regarding this post of yours.

    I think that is almost impossible to understand the essence of what you are doing here unless you are an experienced C++ AND VFP developer.

    For instance, I understand more a C++ version for subscribing to events on the RSSFeeds dll, and although I know how COM objects work, I know very little C++.

    In your example you addressed one COM element that has source interfaces, thus native foxpro function EVENTHANDLER works already.

    Would you consider providing more info on how to "translate" C++ into Foxpro when the COM object does not have a source interface or implements IConnectionPointContainer on other interfaces?

    Thank you

  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 19, 2006
    Hi Calvin,

    I appreciate your prompt reply. Initially, I was able to see the c++ commented out code, but couldn't tell what he rest was.

    With your explanation, the code makes more sense to me now than it made before. However I must say that for me to get the desired modification done, without the right knowledge of the technologies involved, would be such a time consuming task that feels discouraging to even start trying. I'd rather find a different way where I understand what I am doing than hacking here and there with unpredictable results.

    >>>>What you’re asking for is the answer to the exercise I left for the reader.
    Didn't know you had Assembly and x86 machine developers in your audience <bg>

    You have basically recreated the VFP EVENTHANDLER function, in other words, we have now 2 options. Wouldn't it make sense if the VFP Team included in the next SP release a change for the native EVENTHANDLER function, addressing the other cases mentioned as well?

    I think this is important functionality to just leave it out of the product to the goodwill of a few programmers. But, of course, I may be wrong...

    Thanks for the follow up.

  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2006
    PingBack from http://blog.jlcconsulting.com/PermaLink,guid,22b504fc-bf2e-4d0c-b6e1-e9c25d6ec587.aspx

  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2007
    The sample below uses Desktop Window Manager under Windows Vista with Aero to get dynamic live thumbnails

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2008
    PingBack from http://foxpro.ntsl119.com/scr/archives/744

  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2009
    PingBack from http://paidsurveyshub.info/story.php?title=calvin-hsia-s-weblog-how-does-eventhandler-work-iconnectionpoint