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Web Cast - Building a Massively Scalable Platform for Consumer Devices on Windows Azure

  Welcome to our first web cast
  This morning on https://livestream.com/clouduniversity Bret Stateham and I delivered our first pilot webcast. We’re very proud about the way it went. Pretty much went without a hitch. Must be beginner’s luck. The webcast is based on a talk I did at the ATT developer summit in Las Vegas last week. If you’ve been following the previous posts, this represents the live presentation of that material, where I illustrate how to build a restful service and deploy it to the Microsoft cloud. I also illustrate how to consume this restful service from multiple clients, including mobile clients , such as Windows Phone.  Because REST is an open standards based on http, almost any device can consume and interact with this restful service, including jQuery, HTML 5, WPF, Java - you name it.
Building a Massively Scalable Platform for Consumer Devices on Windows Azure https://livestre.am/1e63E