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Video–Building an Android Application that consumes consumes cloud-hosted RESTful Web Services

  Video Tutorial - How to connect Android to the Cloud RESTfully
  MainImage This post contains a video that walks you through a step by step process of building an Android application. But there are a few things you should do before watching the video. First, you should install Eclipse, the Java Runtime, and the Android SDK. This alone can take some time. The installation is correct once you can do a “File, New Project” and be able to run a simple “Hello World” in the emulator. This video assumes you have implemented your RESTful Web Service and deployed it to Windows Azure. The table of contents link connects you to all the material to guide you through all this:               
What the link is about Link
Table of Contents - All my posts https://bit.ly/MobileToCloud
Remember, you will need the Azure Trial Account to get started:                                       

  Clipboard Viewer
  Clipboard viewer gives you all the code snippets that are used to build the application. Downloading this tool will make it trivial to find the right source code. This application holds the code snippets used in my demo. MainImage
  There are files inside the zip – put them in the same folder once you extract the zip file
  Here is the zip file that contains clipboard viewer. This download will help you build your application easily.
What the download does Link
It is the Clipboard Viewer - Easy access to source code https://brunoblogfiles.com/clipboard/android.zip

  What is Clipboard Viewer?
  A quick and dirty tool to give you source code when you need it.
What it does? File Name
It loads code into the clipboard. You run this application. android.exe
The data file that holds the source code. Should be same folder as android.exe android.xml

  Here is the video of building the Android Application consuming a cloud-hosted RESTful web service:
Video of Building an Android Application https://brunoblogfiles.com/videos/BuildAndroidApplicationThatConsumesCloudHostedREST.wmv