How to do FindItem and GetItem Operations of Exchange Web Services using
It does seem to be a bit of a dearth of samples for Exchange Web Service. So here is a sample code which demonstrates:
- FindItem(How to perform FindItem Operation to list all items from the inbox folder of a use mailbox)
- GetItem (How to perform GetItem Operation to get an item with all properties)
NOTE: Following programming examples is for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This sample code assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. This sample code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not intended to be used in a production environment.
'List all the items from the inbox folder
Private Function ListFolderItems(ByRef esb As ExchangeServiceBinding) As List(Of MessageType)
Dim Messages As New List(Of MessageType)
Messages = Nothing
' Form the FindItem request
Dim findRequest As FindItemType = New FindItemType()
findRequest.Traversal = ItemQueryTraversalType.Shallow
' Define which item properties are returned in the response
Dim itemProperties As ItemResponseShapeType = New ItemResponseShapeType()
itemProperties.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties
' Add properties shape to request
findRequest.ItemShape = itemProperties
' Identify which folders to search to find items
Dim folderIDArray() As DistinguishedFolderIdType = New DistinguishedFolderIdType(1) {}
folderIDArray(0) = New DistinguishedFolderIdType()
folderIDArray(0).Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.inbox
' Add folders to request
findRequest.ParentFolderIds = folderIDArray
'Send the listing (find) request and get the response
Dim findResp As New FindItemResponseType
findResp = esb.FindItem(findRequest)
' Get the response messages
Dim responseMessage As ResponseMessageType
For Each responseMessage In findResp.ResponseMessages.Items
' Cast to the correct response message type
Dim findItemResponseMessage As FindItemResponseMessageType = responseMessage
If findItemResponseMessage.ResponseClass = ResponseClassType.Success Then
' Get the actual payload of items
Dim realItems As ArrayOfRealItemsType = findItemResponseMessage.RootFolder.Item
If Not realItems.Items Is Nothing Then
' Initialize list of messages and fill
Messages = New List(Of MessageType)(realItems.Items.Length)
Dim message As MessageType = Nothing
Dim item As ItemType = Nothing
For Each item In realItems.Items
If TypeOf item Is MessageType Then
message = item
End If
End If
End If
Return Messages
End Function
'To get a specific item based on ItemId
Public Shared Function GetItem(ByVal serviceBinding As ExchangeServiceBinding, ByVal itemID As String) As ItemType
' Form the GetItem request
Dim getRequest As GetItemType = New GetItemType()
' Define which item properties are returned in the response
Dim itemProperties As ItemResponseShapeType = New ItemResponseShapeType()
itemProperties.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties
' Add properties shape to request
getRequest.ItemShape = itemProperties
' Set the itemID of the desired item to retrieve
Dim id As ItemIdType = New ItemIdType()
id.Id = itemID
getRequest.ItemIds = New ItemIdType() {id}
' Send the listing (find) request and get the response
Dim getResp As New GetItemResponseType
getResp = serviceBinding.GetItem(getRequest)
' Get the response message
If getResp.ResponseMessages.Items(0).ResponseClass = ResponseClassType.Success Then
Dim iirmt As ItemInfoResponseMessageType = getResp.ResponseMessages.Items(0)
If iirmt.Items.Items.Length > 0 Then
Return iirmt.Items.Items(0)
Return Nothing
End If
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
Here are the few link related to EWS for basis understanding :
- Introduction to Exchange Web Services in Exchange 2007 - Introduction to Exchange Web Services in Exchange 2007, Part 2 - Introduction to Exchange Web Services in Exchange 2007, Part 3 - Exchange Web Services Developer Overview - Exchange Server 2007 SP1 : Exchange Web Services Architecture - Exchange Web Services Reference - Exchange Web Services Operations - Book : Inside Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Web Services
- EWS Migration Sample - FindItemType Class - GetItemType Class
Please share you comments or questions with me related to subjects on my blog. I would like to explore the messaging world further with you...
- Anonymous
February 06, 2009
PingBack from - Anonymous
April 28, 2009
In continuations of my previous post How to do FindItem and GetItem Operations of Exchange Web Services