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Porting an Application from the iPhone to Windows Mobile

This is a case study for porting an iPhone application to Windows Mobile. I’ve been talking to a number of iPhone developers about just this scenario, so it’s great to find this sort of documentation out there. If you try it, let me know how it works out. 

According to the numbers I’ve seen, Windows has about 9% of the current mobile market vs. 13% for the iPhone. With the new Windows Marketplace for Mobile coming, now would be a great time to port your iPhone app and get it up there in the store.

If you’re a startup, don’t forget that you can get all the tools you need for Windows Mobile development through the BizSpark program. If you have questions, or if you need any help with that, just drop a note

Ee355030.cd89fea1-3423-4caf-ac66-6058c44d516d(en-us,MSDN.10).jpgPorting the Amplitude Application from the iPhone to a Windows Mobile Device – a Case Study

Many iPhone developers are discovering the potential for new markets and significant revenue opportunities within the Windows Mobile environment and are wondering how to port their Apple applications to Windows® phones.

This case study documents the efforts and experiences of an iPhone application developer in porting the iPhone application Amplitude to a phone running Windows Mobile 6.5. Based on his experience, it offers technical depth, code samples, useful links, observations, and tips to help accelerate porting projects. It is intended for developers who have written applications for the iPhone using the Objective-C language and would like to port their applications to Windows phones.

Technorati Tags: mobile,microsoft,iphone,port,developer,marketplace,marketing,bizspark