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Design for Startups: The Aesthetics of Web Apps

Cool article from ReadWriteWeb on design for startups. This story is part of their BizSpark sponsored ReadWriteStart channel. Good stuff.

Design for Startups: The Aesthetics of Web Apps in 6 Questions

Think twice about that huge font and those glassy icons: Look and feel is the first thing we see and notice about most web apps and is often critical to an app's user experience, adoption, and ultimate success.

We chatted with a panel of expert aesthetes in the space, including Spymaster designer Eston Bond, veteran creative director Rich Barrett, designer/developer Warren Benedetto, Mike Rundle of 9rules and Beak fame, and the Paul du Coudray Lowdown, the winner of this year's Rails Rumble appearance category. Here's what they had to say about developers doing double duty as designers, trends they'd like to see disappear, and how aesthetics can help a startup sink or swim.