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A couple other blogs from the Office team...

This is a bit off topic, but I wanted to point out that Steven Sinofsky (senior vice president of Office) has started blogging about careers at Microsoft and general discussions around college hiring. Here's a blurb from his first post:

I wanted to start this blog to share information and views about how Microsoft recruits and hires college graduates, and what a career at Microsoft is like, at least from one perspective. I invite questions, points, and counter-points. I’m excited to use this forum to have a discussion about college hiring at Microsoft. The name TechTalk comes from the series of seminars we do during the summer for interns at Microsoft--one of the most fun times of the year for me is to get to present to this group and learn from them how they feel about the work we're doing and the future of Microsoft.

By way of introduction, my name is Steven Sinofsky and I am a senior vice president at Microsoft in the Office group. You can read my "official" bio on https://www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/ssinofsky . I’ve worked on Microsoft Office since Office 4.2d (the last 16 bit release). I’ve been a program manager and a software design engineer, in addition to a general manager.

Should be an excellent blog...

Also, if you haven't already checked it out, you should definitely go read Chris Pratley's blog. He mainly focuses on OneNote, but he's actually the Group Program Manager for Word as well (which makes him my boss). Here's a pointer to his blog: https://blogs.msdn.com/chris%5Fpratley/
