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How to Work out What a MONAD Command Does..!

Today I have been installing Ex2007 servers into my existing Ex2003 test environment all in Virtual Server, all is pretty cool even got CCR working out the box.

One element I still trying to get my head round is MONAD (Powershell), my problem is that I struggle to work out what commands and parameters are available and valid. Sure you can run:

Get-Excommand |format-table -wrap

But that just lists out EVERYTHING..! :)

So today whilst configure my UMSipPhone for testing, I thought I would try this in MSH (probably not the best component to test on..!) so this is what I did all from Exchange Powershell to work out what commands I can use.

Open Powershell:

  1. CD \ (Returns the cursor to the left of the screen)
  2. get-excommand *um* (This dumped out all commands that had UM in the cmdlet)
  3. This illustrated that there is a Test-UMConnectivity cmdlet available along with a load of others.
  4. get-excommand Test-UMConnectivity (This dumped out the cmdlet, but didn't wordwrap, so...)
  5. get-excommand Test-UMConnectivity |format-table -wrap (This was brill as you then get to see what parameters and definitions can be parsed)

So far, so good but in all honesty I personally need to know more - a bit of help in constructing the command would be very useful at this point :) So.....

get-help Test-UMConnectivity

You then get a very details description of what each parameter does, but example scripts for that cmdlet at the bottom..! Ace. 

As you dig deeper, you'll get to know more, but in all honesty the key to learning this is to try it yourself.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Forget the old record, we have a new one. It's going to be a busy August! 

    Is Microsoft Exchange...
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    So today I have been actively learning a little bit more about Powershell and generally playing with...
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I've just finished delivering 2 days of Exchange 2007 training to a group of Microsoft Certified Trainers...
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Eilieen Brown posted some really good Q&A on her blog...Read the whole thing heresnip>Q.What is
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    It's even more comfortable when you use the "help" alias, because with get-help, the whole help is displayed without a page break. The "help" alias is like "get-help |more"(actually I'm not sure what the "more" alias stands for... g). So "help Test-UmConnectivity" is more user friendly... g
