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Exchange 2010 Launch Roadshow #1 PostCTI : Manchester City

I’m currently on my way back from our first Exchange 2010 Launch hosted at the Manchester City Football Stadium, hosted by PostCTI.

All in all a good day and the tour round the Stadium was great – including the heated seats in the Directors box..!

From Phon 035 

As promised – you can grab the slide deck I delivered from here at my Office Live Workspace.

Other Links I quickly discussed in the session where:

Exchange 2010 Cost Savings Calculator


Forrester Total Economic Impact

“Total Economic Impact” study which concludes organizations can expect a payback period of less than six months with Exchange 2010.”


Exchange Connections


The New Efficiency – Exchange 2010 (UC Track)


Stephen Elop Exchange Announcement


(Exchange 2010 35mins in)

Forefront for Exchange 2010


Microsoft.com Exchange 2010 Website
