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ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 Windows 8 Server Scheduled Updates?


Some of you might have tried to use the Scheduled updates feature in ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 to apply patches to a Windows Server 2012 Image.  Well i am sure you didn't expect to see that there wasn't any updates available when indeed several updates have been released for Server 2012 already. 


ExecQueryAsync: START select * from SMS_UpdateCategoryInstance where LocalizedCategoryInstanceName like '%Windows 8 Server%'      


An incorrect reference in the ConfigMgr database pointing to %Windows 8 Server% was the culprit luckily the product group quickly resolved this issue with the below released hotfix.



The Schedule Updates Wizard does not list content for Windows Server 2012 in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1


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