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These are a few of my favorite things... (Part 1)

Just wanted to list out some of the tools I use on a daily basis and some of the more common parameters I use with each. I've been doing enterprise wide administrative support for a while so these should come in handy to someone in the same role.

Download eventcomb here. This tool has some built in queries which can help you out finding issues on your domain controllers. The main use of this tool is to scan multiple machines for a particular event with a multithreaded app. For instance, last week I wanted to see all the DC's where LSASS had crashed. When LSASS crashes on a machine, the server reboots gracefully, there is no bugcheck so sometimes if your not watching DCs and other servers might be rebooting without you knowing.
So what can we do? Well I can add all the DCs into eventcomb and then scan for event 1074 in the system log and then only return those events that have the string LSASS in them. Using eventcomb this process only takes about 20 minutes to scan every DC worldwide remotely and give me the list back.

IFEO for debugging or virus control
Image File Execution Options, located here "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" or under the Wow6432Node for an x86 apps and exes.

This ties in well with LSASS crashing for me personally. Now that I know all the DCs where LSASS is crashing I can create an IFEO for the LSASS.exe process and run it under debugger so next time it crashes it will fall into debugger so we can find out why instead of just rebooting the server. Using IFEO is great for ANY app that is crashing and you want to catchthe break in debugger. I've used this numerous times for exes and apps that crash on initialization or during a certain repro.

Another nice thing you can do with IFEO is when you have a machine that is infected with a virus. Marcelo has an awesome article here that describes how you can use IFEO for the virus to stop it!

NLTEST /dbflag:2080FFFF
Have a machine that is having authentication issues? Then set this dbflag to create a netlogon debug log that falls under %Windir%\debug\netlogon.log.  This is useful for web servers that are denying access to certain clients for example.

Now that you have netlogon logging running, how bout watching it in real time to see as entries are added? You can use tail -f c:\windows\debug\netlogon.log to do just that.
Looks like it is part of the Windows 2003 resource kit tools which you can get here.

For remote service control. Want to bounce a service remotely? Easiest way is to use: SC \\Servername stop Service then start service. Or you can query services by running SC \\Servername query service:
C:\>sc \\jam_rock query netlogon
SERVICE_NAME: netlogon
WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)

Gotta love reg.exe for remote registry manipulation or for querying certaion keys like our IFEO key mentioned above.

C:\localbinx64>reg query "\\Jam_rock\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\apitrap.dll
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\ASSTE.dll
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\AVSTE.dll
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\Cleanup.dll


Good tool to get a understanding of what a server looks like in regards to hardware and software.

C:\localbinx64>srvinfo -ns
Server Name: MachineName
Security: Users
Registered Owner: You
Registered Organization:
ProductID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Original Install Date: Sat Dec 15 20:01:18 2142
Base Source Path:
Version: 6.0
Build: 6000.vista_rtm.061101-2205
Current Type: Multiprocessor Free
Product Name: Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate
Physical Address Extensions: enabled
Product Options: Professional, Terminal Server
HAL.DLL is 6.0.6000.16386 - Microsoft Corporation - 6.0:6000.2
PDC: \\PDC_OF_Domain
Domain: your_domain
DNS Forest Name: forest.microsoft.com
PDC Site Name: RED
Computer Site Name: (null)
Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
Model: HP xw9300 Workstation
Total Physical Memory: 4094 MB
CPU[0]: AMD64 Family 15 Model 5 Stepping 10: 2393 MHz
CPU[1]: AMD64 Family 15 Model 5 Stepping 10: 2393 MHz
System BIOS Date: 01/26/06
System BIOS Version: HP - 20060126
32-bit Hotfixes:
Microsoft Firewall Client:
[Update KB919491]: Installed on ??/??/?? by
Drive: [FileSys] [ Size ] [ Free ] [ Used ]
C$ NTFS 180000 145882 34118
Y$ NTFS 23459 13629 9830
Q$ NTFS 59370 14016 45354
X$ NTFS 47450 13415 34035
Network Card [0]: NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller
IP Address(es): xxxxxx
MAC Address: xxxxxx
Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder
NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol
Remote Access IPv6 ARP Driver
Remote Access IP ARP Driver
Microsoft NetbiosSmb
Message-oriented TCP/IP Protocol (SMB session)
Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver
Remote Access NDIS WAN Driver
Microsoft TCP/IP version 6 - Tunnels
Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)
Point to Point Protocol Over Ethernet
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - Tunnels
Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
System Up Time: 1 Days, 16 Hr, 33 Min, 29 Sec

Another useful tool to see a report on uptime for your servers. It will also list abnormal shutdowns and a bugcheck code.
Download it here.

C:\Debuggers>uptime /s
Uptime Report for: \\My_PC
Current OS: Windows (TM) Vista Ultimate Multiprocessor Free.
Time Zone: @tzres.dll,-212
System Events as of 11/11/2006 5:07:08 PM:
Date: Time: Event: Comment:
---------- ----------- ------------------- -----------------------------------
11/8/2006 7:24:56 PM Boot
11/8/2006 7:30:24 PM Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:5m:28s
11/8/2006 7:35:56 PM Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:5m:32s
11/8/2006 8:29:40 PM Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:53m:44s
11/8/2006 8:31:03 PM Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:1m:23s
11/8/2006 9:55:24 PM Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 1h:24m:21s
11/9/2006 4:20:17 AM Boot Prior downtime:0d 6h:24m:53s
Current System Uptime: 0 day(s), 16 hour(s), 13 minute(s), 31 second(s)
Since 11/8/2006:
System Availability: 90.6317%
Total Uptime: 2d 15h:10m:24s
Total Downtime: 0d 6h:31m:48s
Total Reboots: 4
Mean Time Between Reboots: 0.73 days
Total Bluescreens: 0

Great tool to see if ports are listening on a server. I use this a lot to see if 389, 3268, 88, 445, 139 are listening on a DC but you can supply any UDP or TCP port you'd like.
Info and download here.

C:\localbinx64>portqry -n my_dc-01-e 88
Querying target system called:
Attempting to resolve name to IP address...
Name resolved to
TCP port 88 (kerberos service): LISTENING

Last one that I am going to mention today but another really useful tool to figure out why a certain process is running hot. If you have an in-house app that is running 80% CPU usage what can you do to look into it? Well you could use perfmon and a debugger to help but to get an overview of the process and the functions that are consuming the most CPU cycles you can use KRView. Info and download here. This tool is a bit more complex so I can really talk about it in this blog segment perhaps I'll make another article later on this subject.

Till next time.
Seacrest Out.


Technorati tags: Active Directory, Directory Service, AD, Windows

IceRocket tags: Active Directory, Directory Service, AD, Windows


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Issue came in this week where when you attempted to logon to a server it would not authenticate your

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed