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IE8 Accelerator for Searching IHI Improvement Map


The Improvement Map is a Silverlight 3 based online tool that distills the best knowledge available on the key process improvements that Hospitals can leverage to deliver better outcomes for patients. The tool makes it easy for hospitals to find, understand and adopt best practices.



IHI has extended the reach of their Silverlight application by creating an IE8 Accelerator that allows searching directly into the Improvement Map database.

To try it out, install the accelerator and then visit a medial site like the CDC.Gov or WebMD.com. Simply highlight a medical term like Heart Disease or Asthma and use the Accelerator context menu to search the IHI Improvement Map application for process improvement maps associated with that term.

For detailed information on the Improvement Map, click here.


Technorati Tags: Internet Explorer 8,IE8 Accelerator


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